Yet more BBC fake news

BBC Fake News kills Jews? The BBC has been one of the prime providers of fake news about the Palestinian’s 70 year war against the Jews of Israel, this fake news creating a febrile atmosphere that generates massive hatred towards Israel, Israelis and Jews.  Jews die as a result of this across the world.  The BBC’s Tim Wilcox admitted as much when he suggested that Jews should expect to be … Continue reading

More BBC Fake News

  The BBC has spent months suggesting Bradley Wiggins could be a drugs cheat, Gary Richardson was at it again yesterday as he insinuated guilt. No doubt this dubious and baseless claim can be linked to the BBC’s continuous assault on Sky/Murdoch by any means possible such as via Leveson or attacks on the funding of the Premier League. Now it turns out that the ‘secret’ package that was at … Continue reading

Enabling Hitler

  We have looked at this video of a talk by Milo Yiannopoulos a talk in which he slams the Left’s attempts to stifle free speech, one of their tactics is to ‘erode the difference between words and actions’.  They conflate, say, suggestions that immigration needs to be controlled with racist attacks on immigrants…as the BBC is so often guilty of doing [I heard this morning on the Today show … Continue reading

The New ‘Reality’ for the braindead

  The most useful fact about the phrase ‘Post-fact world’ is that, as well as pointing out as fools and intellectual cowards those who use it as the new truth, it illustrates just how powerful the left-wing media is as it creates a whole new reality, a ‘false consciousness’ ironically, a fake reality that is fast catching on as the new reality talked of by those in ‘authority’ with an … Continue reading

So Socialist….’So cruel, so stupid, so anti-semitic’…So Familiar

  The BBC has spent a great deal of time and effort in trying to create, as in invent, an awareness of the danger of the Far Right on the march again.  It happily ignores the real and genuine and ever increasing threat from Islamism to the West and now the BBC bundles in those who vote for Brexit or Trump alongside the Far Right as it warns us of … Continue reading

Brexit means whatever the BBC wants it to mean

  The Week in Westminster programme was a pro-EU fest with the New Statesman, the Huffington Post and the anti-Tory Isabel Hardman from the Spectator giving us their views. We were told that Trump and Farage ‘manipulated’ the People to get them to vote for their views…, they acted as lightning rods for the well known views of the People that the BBC has ignored and tried to bury for … Continue reading

Open Thread Weekend

  Fascinating to hear what the problem with the UN is according, to Baroness Amos, as it leaves Syria to burn…that the self-interest of member countries stops them acting morally, altruistically, to defend the people of countries such as Syria. Hmmm…OK…so roll back time to the vote on the Iraq war which the BBC tells us was illegal because the Russians, French and Germans voted against it at the UN.  … Continue reading

Obama’s Last Stand

Obama not say anything about Saudi Arabia launching all out economic war against the US oil industry as it attempted to destroy the fracking industry and yet he is now complaining about a supposed Russian state hack of Clinton’s illicit email server which revealed some uncomfortable truths.  Can’t have the truth ‘corrupting’ an election can we? Here’s a question for the BBC.  One they never asked today in their extensive … Continue reading

Sir Ivan ‘Idea’ Rogers sells out the UK to his pals in the EU

  You’d never really know that Sir Ivan Rogers, EU ambassador, was anything more than just a civil servant doing his duty, if you listened to the BBC as it reports, trumpets loudly, that he has said Brexit will take 10 years to negotiate and may fail anyway.  No suggestion from the BBC that this is yet another ‘Remain’ piece of misinformation designed to scaremonger and intended to make voters … Continue reading