David Lidington, May’s stand-in at PMQs, put on quite a performance, less Flashman than Cameron but mastered the job just as well and far more fluent and quietly aggressive than May….he pretty much crushed Labour’s  Emily Thornberry though you’d never know that from the BBC’s post-mortem which gave the win to Thornberry. Thornberry certainly was technically proficient, she’d done her homework digging up quotes about Brexit that Lidington himself had … Continue reading

Shock and ‘awfulness’

  A quick one as time limited….this morning we heard on Nicky Campbell that Leave voters, and Trump voters, and no doubt Italian voters as well, were ‘clinging on to political solutions that  have nothing to do with their problems…and it could all lead to the 1930’s again’.  Yep…they’re all stupid, ignorant racists harping  back to some golden age that is not only unachievable but leading us back to the … Continue reading

Vague Hague

“This is a burning building you are never meant to leave. What is more, you are barricaded in.”  William Hague December 2016   Trust…always been a bit of a problem with politicians…and journalists…nothing new about the ‘post-fact’ age except the fancy new name….’post-fact’ being a lie in itself ironically. Wiliam Hague…a man who made a career out of Euroscepticism, who then jumped ship and announced he was voting to Remain … Continue reading


  Hah…even the lefty Gene at Harry’s Place is cheerleading Trump as he tackles corporate greed…. “I don’t want them moving out of the country without consequences,” Mr. Trump said, even if that means angering the free-market-oriented Republicans he beat in the primaries but will have to work with on Capitol Hill. “The free market has been sorting it out and America’s been losing,” Mr. Pence added, as Mr. Trump … Continue reading

Up the Khyber without a clue

A review into Muslim integration, lack of, was under discussion….you might praise the BBC for broaching the subject.  Or not.  Who did they get on to tell us why the review was so wrong?  MPACUK.  MPACUK that many in the know say is an anti-semitic, pro-Jihad Islamist group that has very little support, if any, amongst Muslims.  The BBC seems to have a love of the wrong uns….the MCB for … Continue reading

Drop The Dead Donkeys

    The new, and laughable, narrative from the Establishment anti-Brexit cabal is that they are now the insurgents…that’s right…all those senior politicians, the most powerful media organisations, billionaires, lawyers and academics….the new insurgents.  All routed it might be said by one bloke with a pint pot, a fag and a great disrespect for that unruly mob of the High and Mighty. I might also suggest that rather than being … Continue reading