‘Wake Up Christian Britain’

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPuCbKlqfO8     Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York and Britain’s second most senior cleric, has described the targeting of Christains as ”an affront to decency”. Calling on the silent majority of Christians to defend their beliefs, Sentamu said: ”For those who despair at the treatment meted out to these Christian women the message is clear: wake-up Christian England.”   The Trojan Horse plot was real, the group behind … Continue reading

The Remain Camp’s Poster Boy….Thomas Mair

  PETER HITCHENS: I want Jo’s killer to hang. The Left want to use him for propaganda    It is perhaps an irony that the same BBC that mourns the death of a Communist dictator who killed or imprisoned thousands for their political views [a BBC that was appalled by Guantanamo Bay and yet just over the fence were Castro’s Gulags, ignored by the BBC and the Left] should be … Continue reading


Well, it FINALLY happened. That ancient tyrant, Fidel Castro, finally died. And HAVEN’T the comrades at the BBC gone into mourning for their fallen hero? All that is missing is the solemn music on the hour and the mandatory black armbands. I thought this was the quote of the day but of course you would never see it on the BBC… “When I die, I want to die peacefully in … Continue reading

The Blair Bewitching Project

  You can’t keep a good man down. Blair is back. Curious that he thinks what he has to say is persuasive enough to make us rethink Brexit…..he admits staying in the Single Market in a ‘soft Brexit’ means Brexit is meaningless as we would be still essentially fully in the EU.  He also admits that he didn’t hold the promised referendum on the EU because he would have lost … Continue reading

EU didn’t really mean that did EU?

  Amused to look back to when Major signed us up to Masstricht…exactly the same complaints were made then as he cemented us into the EU’s grip as now when we seek to loosen that punishing hold over us…how can that be?… That we would be isolated and disadvantaged without a voice. That we would lose influence and have no say in our own future. That the pound would fall … Continue reading

Enemies of the People

The BBC are overjoyed that John Major thinks Democracy somewhat over-rated. John Major, the man who thinks Democracy is a ‘Tyranny’, the man who is so ardently pro-EU that he wanted to keep us in the ruinous ERM even as it destroyed our economy, the man who, without consulting us, signed us up to Maastricht and  handed us over to the unelected EU ‘dictatorship’, ironically quotes Churchill in a homage … Continue reading


  Thomas Mair has been convicted and sentenced for killing Jo Cox. There are no excuses for what Mair did, no ‘understanding’, no moral equivocation.  But there is a stark contrast in how the BBC treats a Far-Right killer and a Muslim one as, with unfortunate timing for the BBC, which had just published a heart-warming story of a Muslim ‘victim’ of radicalisation, this BBC  ‘report’ illustrates… “An extremist in … Continue reading