Pressing Issues

  The new recruits to 5Live are stars…Emma Barnett and Nihal….the same old BBC groupthink mindset but on steroids.  Hard to believe Barnett could be worse than Derbyshire but it looks like it. Today she was pretty certain that the fact the story of a serial killer who targeted gay men was not on the frontpage of every newspaper meant that the ‘wider Press’ [naturally not including the BBC] are … Continue reading

How and Why I ditched the BBC TV Licence…

Biased BBC reader and writer David Sedgwick has an interesting post here that I commend to you. Give it a read and say hello to him please! “Well I finally did it, after months – nay years of prevarication – I’ve finally gone and dumped the BBC. And it feels good, very, very good. I can only describe the feeling as that of when, after years of giving second, third … Continue reading

Brexit Fallguy

  A budget statement today and the BBC’s John Pienaar’s analysis?… There’s no good news…it’s a grim economic outlook….and we’re having to borrow £1oo billion because of Brexit. That’s all true except for the fact that it’s all baloney. Plenty of good news and far from a grim economic outlook the future is still bright with growth and no recession.  Curious how the BBC doesn’t immediately go back and remind … Continue reading

Slamdunk…again and again and again

  Last week we had three huge untruths from the BBC, three headlining heavyweight political stories that were fake…made up by the BBC for their own political purposes That Trump had made a spectacular u-turn on Obamacare…when in fact he had made the same statement, that some parts of Obamacare were good and he would keep them, over a year ago and continued to make it openly on TV debates. … Continue reading


Well THIS is the least surprising thing I have seen on the BBC. A full on character assassination of those it calls the “Alt Right”. Apparently they are Nazis, anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers and racists. Personally, I think this is the BBC projecting yet again!


The site received this email and I am sure the author would like me to share. He is The typos and grammar are not mine, btw 🙂 “So now that it has been established beyond a shadow of a doubt that Thomas Mair was ‘politically’ motivated, and the full details of her horrendous murder made clear. Along with his refusal to give evidence. Are you going to apologise for your and … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes.. “I like the BBC’s attempts to brainwash our children; it is a fun as it is fascist. All their ideological indoctrination is fantastically exposed in this video about re-educating children over the “sexist” Cinderella.    After receiving a beginner’s guide to political correctness, patriarchy and sexism, the kids are tasked with rewriting Cinderella. The end result? Well, it is pretty much the same story of servitude and … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes… “We hear that Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has withdrawn a bill that pardons men convicted of sex with underage girls if they have married them.  There were lots of protests across Turkey which, in fairness, has been one of the more progressive Muslim-dominated societies (they even banned the burqa, which I guess makes them Islamaphobes). As per usual, the BBC skips around and deliberately ignores the … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes; “The truth. The BBC seems to hate it. Look at this story about “An extremist in the family”, which will pull on the heartstrings of those feeling sorry for the poor, delicate radical wannabe Islamic terrorists out there waging war, raping, torturing and butchering for fun.   We hear from Nicola Benyahia, painting her son who has gone off to Syria to be pure and … Continue reading