Spitting Mad

  Ah the arrogance and massive sense of entitlement and moral and intellectual pompous presumption of those in the Media Bubble. John LLoyd….. ‘Spitting Image could have stopped Brexit’  “It’s a feast, isn’t it?” [the current political situation] sighs Lloyd, who’s a boyish-looking 65. Were the show to return, he thinks it would do “a very good public service”. Spitting Image launched on ITV in 1984 and regularly attracted 15 … Continue reading

The rise and rise of fake news about fake news

You couldn’t make it up…that’s what the BBC is for. The BBC is very concerned that the Public is being misled by dodgy news outlets masquerading as genuine, reputable, accurate, honest, credible and authentic purveyors of news…such as itself…. The rise and rise of fake news The deliberate making up of news stories to fool or entertain is nothing new. But the arrival of social media has meant real and … Continue reading

Religion of war?

  Armed police have to be deployed in Britain to protect a Muslim who converted to Christianity…and so far the BBC have shown not the slightest interest despite their usual massive coverage for ‘hate crimes’ committed by Whites….or non-Muslims such as Louis Smith who was publicly shamed by the BBC for joking about. You might think it odd that a few white racist loons and thugs get so much coverage … Continue reading

Rough Justice

Everythings had to stop here as I have to go around picking people off the floor as they fall about laughing at the BBC’s Breaking News….May says we must respect the independence of the Judiciary.  Well yes.  That’s if they’re independent of course.  No one says we shouldn’t. Just a standard ‘diplomatic’ statement from a Prime Minister and yet major news for the BBC…oh hang on…..she respects their opinion so … Continue reading

The Dispossessed….Trump gives them a voice

  The BBC not broadcasting this from their hero?     Trump voters…not racists and rednecks…they’re pretty decent people…and  if Trump gets elected it will be the biggest fuck-you ever recorded in human history….the Elites’ anti-Brexit court case aside that is. Interesting what Trump said to Ford Motor company…all very relevant to Brexit and indeed to the once Labour/BBC narrative on ‘predator Capitalism’.  Not so interested now when it’s Trump … Continue reading

‘Let’s shoot Trump’

      The BBC this morning is ridiculing the reaction at a Trump rally when there was a security alarm as an anti-Trump protestor started to make his presence and views known.  The BBC naturally is very sympathetic towards the protestor and mocks Trump and the crowd and as always tries to paint Trump supporters as out of control, violent lunatics…[was the protestor there deliberately to start a fight?…were … Continue reading

Rape culture? Ask for Angela (not Mohammed)…

A Biased BBC reader writes… “Rape is a very serious crime that requires careful consideration and sensitivity. It is no doubt a horrific crime that should be investigated, prosecuted and punished with the full severity of the law. The BBC and the rest of the MSM, however, seem to have this unpleasant, macabre obsession with trying to put the fear of God into every woman out there that they are … Continue reading