Grab a granny and sack her

  Have to laugh at the BBC’s massive hypocrisy.  Trump makes one of his brash, crude statements that after age 35 it’s ‘check out time’ for women and the BBC are shocked by this sexism and ageism.  The same BBC that is renowned for its own sexism and ageism as it dumps older women for the dolly bird presenters….and by coincidence today Ofcom criticises that BBC for the very same…. … Continue reading

Trump Triumph?     Just to add a bit more to DV’s piece on Trump. Wikileaks pounds Clinton…the BBC isn’t interested and admits it… In some alternate universe, the Clinton Wikileaks story would be dominating the news this weekend. In a race for the presidency the BBC doesn’t think these leaks relevant?  Only in some other alternate universe?  Bizarre…or deliberately dodging difficult material for the Clinton campaign.  Oh they’ve reported them … Continue reading


Well, for once I really quite enjoyed listening to the BBC Today programme on Radio 4 this morning. Having ensured I watched the 2nd Presidential debate first, and knowing that Trump had steam rollered Clinton, I was ready to observe how the BBC would report this. US presidential debate: Trump launches ferocious attack on Clintons Oh wow, how very dare he!!! You could tell instantly that he had done well … Continue reading

The Guilty Men     The subjugated peoples of Europe lift up their heads again in hope. They have put aside forever the shameful temptation of resigning themselves to the conqueror’s will. Hope has returned to the hearts of scores of millions of men and women, and with that hope there burns the flame of anger against the brutal, corrupt invader. And still more fiercely burn the fires of hatred and contempt … Continue reading


Having spent the past few days hysterically joining in the mainstream media assault on Donald Trump, the BBC has been relentless in its bias. It seems that what was said in a private conversation nine years before he entered the political race is so bad, so repulsive, that the BBC has decided he must step down. Meanwhile it conveniently ignores this… “Hillary Clinton once called disabled children at an Easter … Continue reading

BBC Stalinists grind out the propaganda

  The BBC’s long march against UKIP and ‘The Right’ continues as it asks ‘What is the point of UKIP?’.  The BBC of course doesn’t ask ‘What is the point of Labour’ as it implodes having been taken over by the nasty Marxist’s of the People’s Not So Popular Front of Islington. Always remarkable how UKIP is labelled ‘Nazi’ merely because they promote the idea that immigration should be controlled, … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes…. “A brief review of recent BBC coverage and any woman will be disheartened, dejected and disgusted. The Beeb, reinforcing the narrative of an evil patriarchy oppressing women, has been pumping out the “women as victims” stories, with examples from the last couple of weeks including… ·         The shocking lack of women in film ·         The shocking lack of women in fashion ·         The shocking amount of period pain women … Continue reading


A  B-BBC reader writes… “Did you see the BBC story today that asked if the best way to “guard against radicalisation” was to develop more Muslim schools? The BBC bemoans that, out if the 6,800-plus faith schools in the state school system, only 28 are Muslim, which it describes as “disproportionately small”. It points out the risks of illegal private schools (a point that is justified) and how having Muslim states schools would … Continue reading