The forgetful elephant in the room

      Oh no!!!! The apocalypse is upon us, recession, mass unemployment, businesses decamping en masse to Europe and concentration camps are being set up across the UK for anyone not quite white enough. O hang on….wait one…..that’s a load of old bull….a scoop of bull that you heard first on the BBC. Great disappointment in the corridors of the BBC today as the British economy defies their most … Continue reading


BBC Newsnight last evening was a 15 minute broadcast on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign. You can watch it here if you missed it. By way of analysis of the blessed Hillary we had someone from the Huffington Post (pro Clinton) and someone from the New York Times (which last endorsed a Republican Presidential candidate in 1956!!!) Yes, that’s how BBC Newsnight rolls – presstitution care of your license … Continue reading

Maybe, Maybe Not

  Laugh….not so long ago the Remain partisans [or is that ‘Quislings’ as Nigel Farage might say?] were outing Theresa May as a secret Brexiteer who betrayed poor old Cameron…now, that line having sunk without trace in all reasoned commentary [still on the BBC tho’…where we are still reminded that she may have been ‘lily-livered’ according to Remain snipers] the Left are revealing that she is in fact a double … Continue reading


The BBC love to write off Donald Trump’s presidential bid and are openly hostile to everything he says and does. They are entirely in the Clinton back pocket and I find their bias “deplorable” as it means that many who use the BBC as a primary news source here in the UK simply do not realise the depth of the scandals that Hillary is mired in. Instead we get this … Continue reading


All day long the BBC has been to the fore in explaining why the Government decision to proceed with the plan to create a new runway at Heathrow Airport is a bad idea. I wonder were they quite this vociferous when Labour suggested the same in 2009? Also, it’s as if the BBC would prefer no more runways were built anywhere. The environmentalist lobby to which the BBC is in … Continue reading

Christmas voting for Turkey

One of the myths being spread by the Remain pro-EU partisans is that the Leave campaign was scaremongering about the likelihood of Turkey joining the EU and with that the possibility, likely possibility, of a massive influx of Turks into Europe. This letter from the Leave camp to No 10 sets out the case for their concerns….and illustrates how both the EU and Cameron were keen to fast forward Turkey’s … Continue reading

Nick Clegg…Liar

No single market access for UK after Brexit, Wolfgang Schäuble says Headline news June 10 Let’s be blunt…Nick Clegg led his party to ruination, a good deal of that was due to his lies about tuition fees…he seems to have learnt nothing as he slithers out from under his stone along with Miliband and Osborne to try and spread some poison about Brexit claiming as he does that the voters … Continue reading