Suit you sir

  Guido is listing the runners and riders he thinks could replace Shameless Milne as Labour’s Director of Communications.  Would have thought the obvious choice would be Nick Robinson, already offered such a role by Labour before and who is doing a fine job suppressing criticism of Corbyn on the BBC, or of course someone as equally shameless and off the wall as Milne, James O’Brien, now also doing a … Continue reading

The race-baiting BBC

    The BBC reports that Serena Williams ‘won’t stay silent’ about Blacks being shot by police…and we get a very exploitative video of a young girl talking about the killings…channelling only what misinformation her parents have fed her of course. She is probably unaware that the police officer who shot Keith Scott was himself black or that Scott had an illegal gun or that he abused his wife….then again … Continue reading

Tom Watson not get the BBC memo?

Emily Ashton Verified account ‏@elashton Corbyn’s reaction as Tom Watson points at a heckler and says “Jeremy, I don’t think she got the unity memo.”     Clearly Tom Watson didn’t get the BBC internal memo to be nice to Corbyn…the Telegraph reports: Ignore the talk of Labour unity – Tom Watson just humiliated Jeremy Corbyn On Monday Seumas Milne, Jeremy Corbyn’s spin doctor, enraged a shadow minister by deliberately … Continue reading

The Great Circus   Apparently Trump has trounced Clinton in the public polls but you’d be hard pushed to find that out from the they ask Who won the first debate? and yet you don’t get the answer in  a very long piece, or only the BBC answer…which, they tell us, is that Clinton won.    

An Honourable Man

  Apparently the media have to stop being nasty to Corbyn.  Can’t say I’ve noticed the BBC being nasty, being very restrained and grovelling yes, nasty? no. Is the BBC biased? draws our attention to an article by Newsnight’s James O’Brien, the man whose stock in trade is a hefty dose of deep unpleasantness combined with lies, outraged moral anger and smug self-righteousness but who thinks poor old Corbyn is … Continue reading


The BBC coverage of last evening’s first US presidential debate was as pro-Clinton as I expected. It reminds me so much of the run up to the EU referendum, the BBC is smugly confident that their side will win. I will delight when Trump prevails and they are forced to go into another bout if sustained denial. Your thoughts?

It’s The Mass Immigration Stupid

  Why is it that when Jon Pienaar admits that ‘a tough line on migration – the single greatest influence underlying the vote to leave the EU ‘ the BBC ran the Remain camp’s narrative throughout the referendum campaign that it was all about the economy…and even now their Director of News insists the economy was the main issue?…. ‘Inasmuch as the EU referendum was about the economy…’  

Bad Losers

    The Remain losers are out in force though you might never know there was an orchestrated campaign to undermine Brexit if you relied solely on the BBC’s ‘analysis’. Osborne came out declaring he was the voice of the liberal mainstream….that ‘mainstream’ that was so mainstream it couldn’t get a majority, he’s now claiming that there is no mandate for a ‘Hard Brexit’…but of course there is…the vote was … Continue reading


Rarely does a day go by without the BBC running one if its strange freak family stories. Take this one currently in the limelight. The transgender family where the father gave birth. (He didn’t – “he” is a she despite the BBC running with the nonsense. DV) Meet one of South America’s most high-profile transgender families. “We don’t have a name yet – or rather we do – we are just … Continue reading