Cooking the books

  Interesting timing you might think as the BBC announced the loss of TGBBO to C4 due to its lack of money…just before the government announced its Charter renewal white paper…never mind that Bake Off generates millions and is licensed to many countries around the world for which the BBC gets a cut. The negotiations went on for a year or so and yet the BBC managed to time the … Continue reading

The BBC’s very own Fascism

    The BBC is continuing its campaign against Brexit with endless tales of racism and economic armageddon linked to it.  Its journalists seem to have been given carte blanche to say whatever they like to undermine the democratic process and impose the EU back upon us. They completely ignore the fact that HM Opposition is led by terrorist supporting Marxists with a phalanx of ‘storm troopers’ there to smash … Continue reading

Boating, emoting, voting

  The BBC’s Lucy Grey [a ‘senior’ BBC journalist no less she tells us] has spent the last two weeks emoting from a boat in the Med telling us of the ‘rescue’ of immigrants by MSF.  She greets the migrants as long lost relatives and is delighted they are being helped. Reporting or cheerleading?  This isn’t ‘rescue’, it’s a taxi service that encourages economic migrants to swarm towards Europe….another 250,000 … Continue reading


And so, just a few days after the 15th anniversary of 9/11, the BBC pounces on a story in New York that places a muslim as a victim. A British woman’s traditional Muslim clothing was set on fire on Fifth Avenue, New York police have said. The woman, who had been staying in a Manhattan hotel, was returning from sightseeing when she felt a warm spot on her arm, an officer … Continue reading

There can be only one

    Extraordinary all the fuss over the US Presidential election…after all there is only one candidate..right?  Maybe I’m wrong but watching the BBC I understand the lone candidate is some dreadful, racist oaf called Trump. Oh yes, the BBC did a programme on Clinton, Bill Clinton, and his shenannigans with a cigar and an intern.  That of course was all a lot of fuss about nothing…an overheated conspiracy cooked … Continue reading


Following yesterday’s post, a Biased BBC reader says… “A previously issued press release written by sister Patricia – which suggested that Arquette returned to using male pronouns by the time of death – read: “He died as he lived, on his own terms. Our brother Robert, who became our brother Alexis, who became our sister Alexis, who became our brother Alexis, passed this morning September 11, at 12:32 am.“”He was … Continue reading