The BBC’s Brexit Bubble

  Looking at the BBC’s frontpage right now and there is story after story on Brexit, all with a negative tone to them…funnily enough there’s one story the BBC don’t seem to have noticed…from the Telegraph…. Two thirds believe Britain is on the right track following Brexit vote, new poll shows Two thirds of people believe Britain is on the right track following the Brexit vote and most believe the … Continue reading

Coppers on the side of the Choppers

  The BBC always insists that controversial views be heard, well, controversial anti-establishment, anti-British views be heard.  If you’re an IRA terrorist you’re welcome, if you’re a Muslim terrorist you’re in, if you’re a Muslim radical preacher you’re in, if you’re someone like Anjem Choudary you’re praised as the next Ghandi, Mandela or Churchill.  If you’re white, working class, Christian and opposed to Islamic extremism you are ‘polluting’ the public’s … Continue reading

Carry on doctoring the truth

We just had a look at the BBC’s own review into how it handles statistics, a review that conveniently and not unepxectedly found the BBC to be somewhat right-wing and reliant on the Tory government for the facts.  The review started off with this statement…. At the heart of BBC journalism is a mission to deliver an accurate and impartial news service. Whether drawing on the expertise of its journalists … Continue reading

Flash Harry at your service

      Last month the BBC Trust released the findings of its review of how the BBC handles statistics.  Naturally enough the BBC Trust wasn’t actually looking for a genuinely impartial and honest insight into the BBC’s use of statistics and so the Trust went to the tried and tested Cardiff University which has already pronounced the BBC to be right-wing.  So who better to go to for a … Continue reading


One year on from the manipulated photographs of the drowned Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, opened up the gates of Europe to unlimited muslim immigration, the luvvies are out agitating for the UK to allow in 400 more “refugee children” from the Calais Jungle. The BBC reports; Celebrities including Juliet Stevenson and Vanessa Redgrave, religious leaders and local politicians will gather outside the Home Office later to urge ministers to immediately … Continue reading

PMI blues

  Just a few weeks ago the BBC was trumpeting the then latest PMI figures that had dipped below 50 and in the BBC’s interpretation this definitely showed we were heading for recession due to Brexit.  This ‘news’ was constantly and loudly broadcast on the day the figures were released. How different yesterday when the latest PMI figures [53.3] were released showing that ‘the month-on-month increase in the PMI level … Continue reading


The BBC eventually decided to (albeit briefly) report on this story this morning. The British public want to ban Muslim women from wearing the Islamic veil or burqa by an overwhelming margin of more than two-to-one, a poll has found. Research by YouGov found a huge proportion of the public had no qualms about telling women what to wear, with 57 per cent in favour of a ban and just 25 per … Continue reading


I’m on Talk Radio tomorrow morning just after 9am chatting to Paul Ross about this item. People who only watch BBC shows on catchup will be legally required to have a TV licence from 1 September, when new legislation to close the so-called “iPlayer loophole” comes into force. Though the vast majority of households own a TV licence, those without one who only watch catch-up content and not live broadcasts were technically … Continue reading