Very instructive observation here from an eagle eyed B-BBC reader. “If you check the credits for the BBC2 propaganda piece on brexit, you’ll see that the executive producer is Nick Kent. That would be the same Nick Kent who made a public anti-brexit diatribe on his facebook page 2 days after the referendum. You can easily confirm the identity for this profile by looking through his friends list at the other … Continue reading


The BBC is to the fore in propagandising for the UK to take as many of those “poor vulnerable Syrians” in the Calais Jungle as possible. There is hardly a day goes by without the BBC spinning this story any way it can think of to engender our sympathy for those in that camp. So, isn’t it a bit peculiar the world class journalists at the BBC (Coughs) seem to … Continue reading


The BBC is so BIASED against Donald Trump and in favour of Hillary Clinton that is now way beyond parody. It virtually ignores the fact that Clinton is either sleeping or fainting and jumps on every possible opportunity to attack Trump. Today it is the skittles comparison of “Syrian” immigrants his son made here. Trump Junior might have added imagine that half the skittles aren’t skittles in the first place and … Continue reading

The extremely moderate Nick Clegg

Earlier we had George Osborne declare himself the voice of the liberal, mainstream, Remain voting majority, his arithmetic failing him as always…has he not noticed the actual majority, the right-wing mainstream, voted for Brexit?…and now we have Nick Clegg [remember him?] resurfacing to finish off the job he started…there used to be 57 libdem MPs in 2010, now there are 8….he obviously intends to get rid of them as well. … Continue reading

Bubbles and Delusions

    Andrew Marr was given free rein to smear Leave voters as the nearest thing to the ‘goose-stepping’ Nazis of the 1930’s in last week’s Sunday Times and today Justin Webb is similarly allowed off the BBC leash in the Times to vilify and denounce the dark forces of  ‘social media’…ie those on the Web who refuse to conform to the BBC narrative. Bombs and knife attacks in America…all … Continue reading

Numbers Game

  Theresa May speaks about controlling immigration and the BBC goes onto red alert and the damage control, rapid rebuttal, plan of operation swings into action. The airwaves have been full of immigration charity workers and UN do-gooders, not to mention wonderful migrants whose heart-rending and uplifting stories shame us all as we seek to shut them out of Europe. We heard that people’s concerns about migration were just ‘fear … Continue reading


I see the BBC has given plenty of publicity to this story. A Muslim woman from Australia has told how she was forced to leave a beach in France for wearing a burkini. Zeynab Alshelh, a 23-year-old medical student, told Australian media she had travelled to Europe to show solidarity with local Muslim women.  Footage broadcast on Channel 7 showed local people saying they would call the police if she … Continue reading