Busy morning for the comrades on the TODAY programme on BBC Radio 4. Even before 7am we were treated to a sneering assault on Donald Trump’s speech on protecting the US from radical Islamists, we were afforded mockery of the idea that Boris Johnson is “running the country” with Theresa May on holiday, and finally those reliable stooges at the Resolution Foundation were brought on to dampen the idea that … Continue reading


You can almost hear BBC hearts a beating at the prospect of a “Gotcha moment” when they reported this news this morning. An imam and his assistant were shot dead as they walked along a street in the New York borough of Queens. The men were approached from behind by a man who shot them both in the head, a police spokesman said. Imam Maulama Akonjee, 55, moved to the city from … Continue reading


Have a look at this story currently on the BBC NEWS page; A brawl between three families of North African descent and local youths erupted on a beach on the French island of Corsica on Saturday, leaving five people injured, officials have said. Witnesses said the brawl between locals and a party of bathers of Northern African origin began after the bathers objected to photos being taken. Some of those involved were … Continue reading


Every day, the BBC is relentlessly spinning against Donald Trump. It is overt, it IS biased and it needs flagged up. Here’s the latest PR from Camp Clinton faithfully broadcast by the BBC… Hillary Clinton has released her tax returns, adding to the pressure on her Republican rival for the White House, Donald Trump, to do the same. The Democratic presidential candidate paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2% last … Continue reading


In WW2, had a young British woman legged it to Germany to give succour to the Nazis, I doubt that even the BBC back then would have dared exude sympathy towards her. Then, had she been killed by Allied air strikes, that would have been the end of it. One less traitor. Fast forward to 2016…. “A Labour MP has expressed “huge concerns” about the counter-terrorism strategy in UK schools, … Continue reading


Two stories, guess which one the BBC chooses to lead with and which one it chooses to totally ignore. Donald Trump defends the 2nd Amendment (translated by BBC that he wants Hillary Clinton assassinated) and… Father of the Orlando nightclub Islamist mass murderer backs Hillary Clinton.  Every day, the BBC seems intent to whip up a storm of protest against Donald Trump whilst sanitising the grotesque Clinton. Why does it … Continue reading