Not on the BBC’s Rajar

  Had to laugh as the BBC has consistently blamed every negative event on Brexit…not quite everything….the Today programme’s editor claims its latest listener figures are nothing to do with listeners tuning in for information about Brexit….have to say the BBC is probably right…after all who would rely on the BBC’s premier disseminator of tripe for unbiased news on Brexit? Jamie Angus Verified account ‏@grvlx001 There’s always one… And just … Continue reading

Statue of Liberties

  The BBC are taking liberties as they hijack George Orwell and try to present him as if all the things he represented are the same values and beliefs that inspires and motivates the BBC. They are not. What Orwell represents and fought for is the exact opposite of the highly fabricated news output that the BBC shapes and constructs in order not to provide us with genuine information but … Continue reading


This was a cracker item on BBC Radio 4 Today from earlier. Labour will appeal against a High Court ruling that party officials were wrong to refuse five new members a vote in next month’s leadership contest. Edward Leir is a Labour member who won the High Court case against the party’s National Executive Committee. So the BBC then interviewed Mr Leir who informed us that although he had been … Continue reading

‘Living with the murderous enemy within’

  ‘The assumption that many extremists had mental health problems was wrong.  Instead terrorists recruiters ‘vet out’ those with such conditions. “Only 2% of members of terrorist organisations suffer from mental health problems compared with an average of up to 30% of members of the public.” MI5   As terrorists roam Europe, and the world, the Sunday Times two weeks ago titled its editorial ‘Living with the murderous enemy within’  … Continue reading

Burger Off!! Poetic Justice

    A Brazilian illegal immigrant who came to this country and got a job at Byron Burgers using false documents and a forged National Insurance card complains on the Today programme (0840) that Byron Burgers used and abused him.  Not sure why the BBC felt the need to give him a platform to air his nonsense…it was he who abused Byron Burgers taking a job using deception putting them … Continue reading

The BBC’s Northern Brexit Blights

    The Today programme had an astonishingly dishonest report from Manchester this morning (0819) ostensibly looking at the effect of Brexit upon the city….the city that is wonderfully cosmopolitan and so European the BBC announces as it headed for a pavement cafe table full of foreigners to ask if they had noticed a difference in how they were now treated.  The report was entirely one-sided and aggressively anti-Brexit, painting … Continue reading


The BBC’s coverage of the disruption of access to Heathrow Airport today by a bunch of narcissistic thugs from the ludicrous #BlackLivesMatter group has been cloying. Read this. Across in the States, this advocacy group has encouraged people to kill Police Officers. Maybe that gives the BBC some sort of perverse thrill from the idea that such thuggery based around race could take a grip in the UK? In a civilised … Continue reading