Midweek Open Thread

  What did David Kelly think of the Iraq Intelligence Dossier? ‘I had no doubt about the veracity of it (the Dossier) was absolute….It is an accurate document, I think it is a fair reflection of the intelligence that was available and it’s presented in a very sober and factual way….it is well written.’ “I was personally sympathetic to the war because I recognised from a decade’s work the menace … Continue reading

Top Yawn

    The BBC has a few lines of attack it favours when talking about the ‘disaster’ that is Brexit, that’s one of them by the way, another is that Michael Gove recklessly and irresponsibly spoke disdainfully about experts and the elite thus undermining democracy and society’s respect for aforementioned worthies.  Naturally the BBC can speak authoritatively on this subject and scorn Gove for his juvenile and shallow attitude because … Continue reading

War Stories and other lies

  The BBC has spent the last 10 years or so trying to rewrite history in order to put itself in the right and Blair, Hutton and the British Army in the wrong. The BBC now ‘reports’ unashamedly that Blair was a liar, that Hutton was a fool in the pay of a liar and that British soldiers may have been brave but they fought an illlegal war…which is why … Continue reading

Start the week open thread

Nigel Farage has gone, laid down his arms, his fight over.  For many his place in history is assured, for the BBC and its ilk he will not be allowed to rest in peace, like Thatcher he will be denounced and villified for decades to come.  Perhaps he might like a little retirement job to keep his mind ticking over…..returning the BBC to the People and removing it from the … Continue reading

Phantom Menace

Janet Daley in the Telegraph explains what is happening [2014]…. [The attacks on Farage] have permanently installed the idea that the political class are a united vindictive force which regards the anxieties and concerns of a large proportion of voters with contempt. The people will not forget this lesson. Even when they return to the fold of the mainstream parties – as I have no doubt they will – in … Continue reading

Project Disappear

    “When the British people speak, everyone, including members of parliament, should tremble before their decision . . .”   The big battalions at the BBC have been mobilised to rescue the European Project from self-destruction as it implodes due to its own massive arrogance, contempt for the people and conceited self-righteousness.  Not only the big battalions though, the BBC has launched its EU jihadis out into the wild … Continue reading

National Pride

  The land of my fathers is dear unto me, Land of poets and singers and people of stature, Her brave warriors, fine patriots, Shed their blood for freedom.   George Osborne’s Treasury celebrating Welsh patriotism and spirit? The Wales that rejected their scaremongering and Project Fear and voted Out?  Whatever next?  The PM celebrating a famous Welsh win in Europe? Royal Mint releases £20 dragon coin to ‘portray the … Continue reading

Back to school

    Just where does the BBC get its journos?  Wherever perhaps they should consider recruiting elsewhere. Clive Coleman provides us with some genius journalism…that is no doubt intended to ‘encourage’ the Remain protestors to step up their protests in their attempt to overturn democracy. He asks… Can the law stop Brexit? No bias in that headline then.  Coleman seems a tad disappointed that Brexit seems unstoppable… While lawyers may … Continue reading

Shami’s shamefully shameless sham

    So Shami Chakrabarti has had her anti-Semitism inquiry and held a press conference to astound the world with its findings…apparently, and I paraphrase the BBC, there isn’t much to worry about.  Labour is an anti-Semite free zone.  Pretty much.  Apparently. The Labour Party is not overrun by anti-Semitism or other forms of racism but there is an “occasionally toxic atmosphere”, an inquiry has found.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbGREOz7iN0   Curiously … Continue reading