Here you go – a new Open Thread to detail the bias. Over to you!
Here you go – a new Open Thread to detail the bias. Over to you!
Someone tries to kill Donald Trump and the BBC on 5Live (around 10:20 monday) is giving his mother a soft interview telling her how sad it all is…and of course we should know he has Asperger’s. Can’t imagine the BBC giving any relative of Thomas Mair who killed Jo Cox such a nice little interview even if he’d failed to kill her. The BBC has never mentioned that Mair … Continue reading
A Muslim makes a speech at the Democrat convention attacking Trump and the BBC is all over it, indeed the story is headlining right now on its front page: Mother hits back at Trump over speech The mother of a dead US Muslim soldier has hit back at presidential hopeful Donald Trump for questioning her silence during a speech by her husband. Ghazala Khan said Mr Trump was ignorant … Continue reading
The BBC are always the first to give a platform to those who criticise the police, unless it’s a Tory minister, then the police are the good guys. A man attacks the police with a knife and they taser him…the BBC are shocked at the police’s level of ‘violence’, so unnecessary, they could have talked and reasoned with him. Similarly with spit-hoods. The use of such barbaric devices degrades … Continue reading
Poor little Ali Khan, aged 6, and a half. The BBC found the poor young lad sobbing inconsolably in an East London street not far from their office from which they run ‘TellAuntie’, a goto service for Muslims who feel hard done by in life and want to blame it on the Kufar. The BBC is happy to oblige….a butterfly flaps its wings in far off Japan and the … Continue reading
The BBC has been excitably raising the ‘issue’ of what what happens in Scotland and Northern Ireland post Brexit, acting as the unquestioning mouthpiece of the Scottish National Socialist Party and the IRA as they both bluster unconvincingly about the end of the Union. The BBC regurgitates their rhetoric as if it were fact, that Scotland and NI are going to leave the UK and that there is … Continue reading
Well then, the BBC is in full Hillary-worshipping mode today, abandoning any pretence of impartiality over who should become next US President. It’s vomit inducing to watch it, so I don’t! Anyhow – the weekend beckons, we need a new one of these, and the floor is yours!
The BBC trumpeted the IMF’s support for the EU during the referendum, making no mention of course that Lagarde owes her job, not once, but twice, to Osborne’s support, but now, now the BBC has decided all things IMF are not worth bothering about really. Way, way down on the World page, didn’t make it to the frontpage, we have this small story: Business IMF ‘overly optimistic’ of … Continue reading
Remember when the PMI figures came out and the BBC screamed from the rooftops about a ‘dramatic deterioration’ in the economy since Brexit?… Brexit causes dramatic drop in UK economy, data suggests Britain’s decision to leave the EU has led to a “dramatic deterioration” in economic activity, not seen since the aftermath of the financial crisis. What is interesting about the BBC’s little report is that the IFS’s Paul … Continue reading
An enraged Biased BBC reader sent me this regarding the BBC Radio 4 Today programme this morning; 27/7/16 BBC Today programme. Discussing the murder of Father Jacques Hamel. “John Humphries played back a recorded interview he did with a French philosopher who blamed Israel for creating the motivation for the cowardly murder. Humphries had editorial discretion on airing this pre-recorded interview and by his doing so reinforced the deliberate political … Continue reading