Boris’ ‘suicide note’

  Boris wrote an article post Brexit in the Telegraph on Monday.  He has been variously denounced for the content of it and the BBC et al are making much of the suggestion that this article led to his downfall.  The BBC itself may have led to much of the misunderstanding of that article if it indeed was a catalyst for the Gove alleged assassination. We have already looked at … Continue reading

Democracy deficit

  Had to laugh at this from the Guardian: No one can predict what sort of outcome might emerge from his capricious gamble, and it doesn’t look like we’ll even get to vote again until all of that is done and dusted. Europe doesn’t crush our democracy. It protects what’s left of it. Now that protection is gone and our limited, gestural, dysfunctional democracy is all we have. The unelected … Continue reading

Jonathan Freedland would have put Hitler in power…discuss.

  The Guardian’s (and go to Guardianista for the BBC whenever they want ‘nuanced’ content in a programme) Jonathan Freedland threatens Gove and Boris… A warning to Gove and Johnson – we won’t forget what you did Freedland is one of the Guardian’s stormtroopers for the European Union’s undemocratic Empire, one of its useful idiots. He bases his argument on economics, that whatever the rights of Brexit the economics say … Continue reading

Peter Allen says

  Peter Allen, and Adrian Chiles, always seem out of their depth when talking of the big affairs of state…better stick to football and man bites dog stories.  Nice, friendly guys, but that is reflected in the way they interpret events….never prepared to condemn or say something harsh but true unless of course it’s someone from the ‘Right’. Yesterday Allen revealed to us that he thought perhaps Brexit had ‘unleashed … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  Why does the BBC give so much time and space to the ‘young’ to whinge unquestioned about Brexit?  When one ‘yoof’ complains that his family ‘betrayed him’ by voting Out where is the BBC challenge that suggests he is a selfish little p***k and that the referendum wasn’t all about him?  Whinge over.  All yours……

How soon they forget

  How soon they forget.  No not the Somme and all the sacrifices made on that battlefield, though some could do well to remember what the ‘young’ were doing then and in WWII to defend the right to vote and protest and speak freely. How soon some forget their own ‘principles’ when the chips are down. Firstly of course the BBC were busily telling us, pre-referendum, that Boris would never … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Preston. On the panel are Ukip MP Douglas Carswell, Times columnist Melanie Philips, Conservative Sam Gyimah MP, Anti – English bigot Emily Thornbelly and comedian Russel Kane.
Kick off tonight at 22.50

Chat here, register here if necessary.


Midweek Open Thread

  A second referendum?  You’d think, listening to the BBC, that that was a perfectly reasonable and fair way to proceed.  You’d have no idea that it is a highly controversial, anti-democratic, unconstitutional, hugely dishonest and corrupt idea being peddled by pro-Remain politicians as they tour the BBC’s studios and get a warm welcome instead of an absolute roasting for their treachery and betrayal as they seek to ignore and … Continue reading


  The BBC want to attack Trump.  Always.  It’s just that they can’t always find anything of substance to use.  So they make it up.   What’s so bad about being called a ‘bitch’? Donald Trump fans have been condemned for calling her one, while some of her supporters have urged her to be more of one. So why is Hillary Clinton so often associated with the word “bitch” – … Continue reading

“White Trash shouldn’t be allowed to vote!!”

  The Young are up in arms, disenfranchised (couldn’t be arsed to get out of bed), marginalised, ignored, demeaned and …and…ooohh…it’s soooooo unfair!!!! Rather than take to the streets with a Koran in one hand and an AK in the other they’ve taken en masse to modern liberal guerrilla fighter’s weapons of choice, Twitter, Facebook and the dread power of the online petition….but what might be familiar to any Jihadi … Continue reading