
    As the BBC ramps up the scare stories about the post-referendum fallout, incites anger and discontent between generations and shape their ‘news’ so that it paints a picture of disaster brought to us by the ‘lies’ of the Brexit campaign leaders, it manages to somehow avoid talking about the massive exaggerations predicting apocalypse, plague, famine and war….or rather they ignore that hype and instead are busy telling us … Continue reading

BBC’s highly selective reading

  Boris has written a piece for the Telegraph [but he needs to be out on the stump making loud noises demanding action] in which he lays out his vision for the future.  The BBC’s interpretation of what he said manages to miss out a lot that is inconvenient and selectively quotes parts, in part, and tries to give us the message that Boris is backing away from Brexit and … Continue reading

Get a F***ing Grip!!!

    What is Cameron’s gameplan? He called a referendum knowing full well that he could lose it and when he did he ran for cover and is refusing to take responsibility for his actions allowing the country to fall into wild speculation, fear, bitterness and confusion. He is allowing the extremists to make all the running from the Scottish National Socialists to the IRA’s mouthpiece, various Neo-Nazi groups and … Continue reading

Open Thread

Looks like time for another of these as the BBC pushes hard for another referendum….we can expect many a lurid tale of apocalypse in the following weeks as the BBC tries to paint a picture of utter disaster and chaos ‘due to Brexit’ and the need for an emergency rethink in the interests of ‘peace and stability’.  The floor is yours.  

Referendum sabotaged!! Let’s have another.

  “There is not one story on any election anywhere in the UK that the BBC will not spin into a problem for me. It is obsessive beyond belief. They are obsessed with trying to damage the leadership of the Labour party and unfortunately there are people in the Labour party that play into that.” “How shallow, facile and ill-informed many of the supposed well-informed major commentators are in our … Continue reading

Civil War, Little Hitlers and Little Europeans

  Youth unemployment in the UK?  13.4% Youth unemployment in Europe..…from 6.9% in Germany, 24.6% in France, to 48.9% in Greece….mostly nearer the latter figure. So just how is the EU good for the Young? Or for anyone…… The Times quotes a senior EU diplomat on the imploding French economy….. “The beating heart of European integration is the Franco-German [not British?] relationship, but the situation in Paris raises the spectre … Continue reading


Well then, if you wondered where I have been since Thursday night, the answer is – RELISHING the sour faces of the BBC and the rest of our supine pro EU media. I sat up all night to watch the results in the Referendum come flowing. Much wine was consumed! What joy. At first the BBC were determined to suggest that Newcastle and Sunderland were “outlier” results, and that the … Continue reading