Mad about the boy

  I imagine there was quite a bit of disappointed cheering in the corridors of the BBC and Guardian as news came out that someone had tried but failed to kill Donald Trump. Note the utterly different tone of the reporting from that which engulfed us after the death of Jo Cox…and we can be pretty sure that the tone would have been just as different had Trump been killed. … Continue reading


With just a few days to until Polling Day, the BBC is doing its utmost to ensure that any awkward stories that could sway voters to VOTING LEAVE are muted. So it was in Calais last night. I started to get messages from people in that area who could see illegal migrants attacking cars, firing stones and presenting danger to life. And HOW, you might ask, did the BBC choose … Continue reading

Kat Napping

    I knew there must be a use for Katty Kay….she has gone off-message and laid out the reasons for Brexit.….naturally she can’t quite throw off her BBC training and imprinting and concludes it’s all about the dreaded populism and simple messages appealing to emotion not brain….yep…all the Leave voters are simpletons with no mind of their own……. Angry electorate Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, the leader of the … Continue reading

Who are you calling a Fascist Cameron? Look in the mirror.

      We bring you the analysis that the BBC has decided to conceal as Cameron and Osborne use the race-card and claims of fascism to suppress debate on immigration. When MP Jo Cox was murdered the BBC’s immediate reaction was to claim this was a consequence of the febrile anti-politics atmosphere that was being whipped up by….the Leave campaign.  Never mind that Cameron has led a vitriolic, poisonous … Continue reading

Turkeys voting for Christmas

British Embassy Ankara Location: Turkey Our network of posts in Turkey, including the British Embassy in Ankara and our Consulate General in Istanbul, develop and maintain relations between the UK and Turkey. We work on a wide range of issues including Turkey’s bid to join the European Union, the economy, energy policy and international security. We have a dedicated team working on projects to improve Turkey’s prospects of joining the … Continue reading

Cameron’s shameless graverobbing

    David Cameron Verified account ‏@David_Cameron Jo Cox’s strong voice in the campaign to remain in the EU will be badly missed. Her final article, published today: …   David Cameron has hijacked the murder of Jo Cox to buttress his campaign for the EU and talks of her as if she represented the very same values that he does. She does not. You have to ask if Cameron … Continue reading

Immigration…The EU’s Weapon of Choice?

    Birth of superstate: Frederick Forsyth on how UNELECTED Brussels bureaucrats SEIZED power Our democracy was not presented last week on a plate. It took centuries of struggle to create and from 1940 to 1945 terrible sacrifices to defend and preserve. It was bequeathed to us by giants, it has been signed away by midgets. Now we have a chance, one last, foolishly offered chance to tell those fat … Continue reading