Start The Week Open Thread

  What an utter insensitive b*****d that Andy Murray is….cold, heartless and calculating, doesn’t he have any feelings for those tennis players who don’t have kids…do they not also have a stake in succeeding in the tennis world as well? “The last thing I looked at before I went on court today was a picture of my daughter,” Murray said. “I feel like that’s what I’m playing for now, so … Continue reading

Justin Webb and the BBC’s impartiality

Isn’t there a danger of over-intellectualising? … Art challenges and it challenges the status quo, and if you’re left wing that’s what you do, and if you’re on the political right generally and you’re a conservative you like things as they are. Justin Webb, 8 November 2013 Justin Webb, presenter on the BBC’s flagship Today programme (which is broadcast on its premier station, Radio 4), put forward a highly controversial … Continue reading


  Apparently the use of the term #Alllives matter is a racial slur.  So if you’re not black your life doesn’t matter…so says #Blacklivesmatter. Thanks to Highland Rebel for this video:     It will be interesting to see how the BBC and the Left respond to these police murders as it is clearly the vitriolic anti-White, anti-police rhetoric of the left, and of the BBC, that has led to … Continue reading

Cop Killers…The BBC calls them the ‘Resistance’ and ‘soldiers’.

  At least one of the Blacks who murdered the police officers in Dallas had links to Black Power groups….by coincidence in June the BBC was promoting their agenda….by film…. Black Power:  America’s Armed Resistance And in writing….. On the ground with America’s Black Power soldiers Not terrorists or extremists or racists but ‘soldiers’ resisting….the film-maker feels an empathy with them as they propose to kill cops… It was hard … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  A new day, more bias….Tory leadership candidate, Andrea Leadsom, is in the BBC’s sights and she’s taking a pounding, the BBC not just reporting but taking a view…..Leadsom is a bad person…lack of experience and judgement we are told.  Hmmm….funny how May’s comments[clearly part of her leadership spiel] about not having children weren’t reacted to in the same way…funny how the BBC is saying that Leadsom is claiming people … Continue reading

Bad Cop, Bad Cop

Essex Police STN ‏@EssexPoliceSTN You have a split second decision to make … #WhatWouldYouDo #joblikenoother #AirportCops           Five police officers murdered in Dallas and Obama’s immediate response was to say it’s the cops’ own fault…they are racists….they must change. He has a very low key response to the use of weapons this time….normally his first reaction to such mass killings is to loudly denounce their ownership … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Brighton. The BBC is being coy again, like a blushing virginal bride, about tonight’s guests. So it is another mystery panel. How exciting.

Kick off tonight at 22.45

The normal chat site is not working for reasons unknown. Here is an alternative which I found after a quick search

‘Only regime change will avert the threat’

    This is an article that Dr David Kelly, UN weapons inspector, authored just prior to the Iraq war….curiously the BBC never refers to anything Dr Kelly said that confirms the intelligence that Saddam was considered a threat…..Kelly was a world renowned and highly respected expert on WMD….John Humphrys? Not  so much.   ‘Only regime change will avert the threat’ In the past week, Iraq has begun destroying its … Continue reading

Midweek Open Thread

  What did David Kelly think of the Iraq Intelligence Dossier? ‘I had no doubt about the veracity of it (the Dossier) was absolute….It is an accurate document, I think it is a fair reflection of the intelligence that was available and it’s presented in a very sober and factual way….it is well written.’ “I was personally sympathetic to the war because I recognised from a decade’s work the menace … Continue reading