Kiss My **** Hardy

      The News Quiz…not really much to do with news it seems, more a front for the Labour Party, EU collaborators and taking the mick out of the usual suspects that the BBC luvvies don’t like or approve of. Jeremy Corbyn has at least one fan, Jeremy Hardy, who can find nothing critical to say about him or Labour, ever….every appearance is just a blatant Labour party political … Continue reading

A confederacy of the Huge against ordinary people.

  Amazing…Cameron gets roasted on Sky but you’d never know it from the BBC’s ‘analysis’ which reads more like a Remain campaign briefing….the BBC’s chosen headline probably designed to give us confidence in Cameron’s pledge to reduce immigration (LOL)…We can control migration inside EU, says PM   The Telegraph headline gives a much more honest assessment of what went on… EU referendum debate: Angry Sky News audience rounds on ‘waffling’ … Continue reading

Sympathy for the Devil

If an IRA bomb had killed the 96 at Hillsborough do you think the BBC would have so enthusiastically campaigned for an enquiry? We’ve looked before at the BBC’s decidedly lacklustre approach to the thought that there should be more inquiries into the Birmingham bombing, it’s almost as if they didn’t want any IRA killers to be caught and prosecuted. It seems that wasn’t a one off interview and that … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Cardiff. The panellists are Ukip’s leader in the Welsh Assembly Neil Hamilton AM, Conservative environment secretary Elizabeth Truss MP, Labour’s Frank Field MP, Plaid Cymru’s Liz Saville-Roberts MP and far-left extremist Owen Jones. Not too bad a line-up really.

Kick off tonight (Thursday) at 22.45

Chat here, register here if necessary.

Scraping the barrel

  The BBC is in full-on Remain life support mode as the polls indicate Leave is ahead despite all the OTT alarmist scaremongering by the Eton toffs and friends, or perhaps because of it. We’ve already looked at the BBC’s false claims that the economy is in freefall because of EU referendum uncertainty and today we bring you yet another example…..Manufacturing has picked up and not fallen as Remain predicts … Continue reading

It’s the economy stupid…isn’t it?

    The Remain campaign have been countering Leave’s effective immigration blast with claims that this shows Leave have lost the argument on the economy.  Hold on….that wasn’t their argument anyway….immigration, red-tape, sovereignty and freedom from an unelected EU government are Leave’s main platforms. This shows that Remain know they can’t win the argument on immigration…but did they win the ‘argument’ on the economy anyway?  Firstly this was their own … Continue reading


Here’s a thoughtful reflection on the BBC’s recent adaption of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”… A militaristic dictatorship replete with red and black insignia. Guards bearing uncanny resemblances to storm-troopers. A fascistic dictator who might just be a psychopath… Welcome to the BBC’s version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Make sure you click the link and read the rest of this.


    Remarkable…after all the BBC has done for him this is how Jeremy Corbyn responds (29 mins)…. “There is not one story on any election anywhere in the UK that the BBC will not spin into a problem for me. It’s obsessive beyond belief. They are obsessed with trying to damage the Labour Party, and unfortunately there are people in the Labour Party who play into that.” It’s that right-wing … Continue reading