Carry On Doctoring The News

Junior doctors are accused of risking patient’s lives in their “political game” as a leak of more than 1,000 pages of WhatsApp exchanges, dating back to November, reveal   Junior doctors put patient’s lives on the line so they could get more saturday overtime whilst all the time claiming the strikes were about patient safety.  And the interest from the BBC now?  Zilch. I have been looking hard, very hard, … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Ipswich.

On the panel: Conservative MP David Davis, Labour MP David sorry Ed Miliband, the Green Party’s former leader Caroline Lucas MP, novellist Dreda Say Mitchell and David Cameron’s former director of strategy Steve Hilton.

Kick off tonight (Thursday) at 22.45

Chat here, register here if necessary.

The BBC…Recruiting for the Islamic State?

      Pope Francis: ‘Idea of conquest is inherent to the soul of Islam’     The BBC has just broadcast a piece of Muslim agitprop that would not look out of place on an Islamic State website intent on whipping up Muslim anger and discontent in order to feed the narrative of Muslims under siege and an Islam under attack by the West.  The BBC is feeding the … Continue reading


I am aware of some comments made in recent times on other threads which are offensive to any balanced person. I have banned those who made them and erased the comments. It’s impossible for me to police every comment on every thread but let me spell it out; This is a place for polite debate, and I won’t tolerate vicious ad hominem if I am made aware of it. I … Continue reading

Dominoes and Liberation

  The people against the elite.   One of the reasons put forward for people not to vote for Brexit was that it could result in the disintegration of the EU as other countries would likely follow and demand a referendum for themselves. Now isn’t that interesting?  Many people, the majority in most countries, would ask for a referendum on the EU and the likes of Cameron, and the Eurocrats … Continue reading

BeLeave in an Independent Britain   Labour’s Hugh Gaitskell in October 1962, predicted the truth five decades ago…. ‘Of course, the Tories have been indulging in their usual double-talk. When they go to Brussels they show the greatest enthusiasm for political union. ‘When they speak in the House of Commons they are most anxious to aver that there is no commitment whatever to any political union.’ Shouldn’t the BBC be making far more of … Continue reading

Remain Calm

      Interesting to see several ‘right-wing’ commentators suggest that the BBC is giving us a balanced view of the EU referendum…and yet it’s just not true.  Certainly there have been many debates and interviews that give the suggestion of balance but comparing them the Remain camp gets an easy ride and the underlying tone of the BBC narrative is pro-Remain…very uncritical of Remain’s claims…such as Brexit will cause … Continue reading

Memories are made of this

    The BBC continues its long drawn out sneer at those on the political right as John Sergeant on Saturday dismissed Boris (leader of the Out campaign) as a ‘joke’…a joke who won two elections for the Mayor of London in what is essentially a Labour city…not to mention being voted in as an MP.  Some joke. John Pienaar declared Trump was ‘the problem’ on Sunday  (39 mins) and … Continue reading