The heart of the problem

    Just what is Europe’s biggest problem? As millions of people with beliefs, values and ideologies that are incompatible with a liberal, freedom loving, secular, Christian based, Western Europe, invade that Europe bringing with them all the problems and attitudes that they allege they are escaping from, what does the BBC see as the problem?  Is it the war launched by Islamists against the West?  Is it the social, … Continue reading

Nazi Shah?

    Cameron at PMQs has twice made Corbyn squirm over allegations of anti-Semitism and forced a rapid reaction from him, not to mention his ‘disgraceful’ allegations against Sadiq Khan.   Cameron himself though is on sticky ground having had Baroness Warsi as Chair of his party and as a minister of faith to boot.  The same Warsi who wanted Israel to be disarmed and left defenceless whilst also demanding … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

This week’s show comes from Hull, panellists include Conservative MP for Tunbridge Wells Greg Clark, former director of the Centre for Policy Studies Jill Kirby, chairman of the ARK schools charity Paul Marshall, former Labour Health bungler Andy Burnham and an irrelevant scotch person.

Kick off Thursday at 22.45

Chat here
register here if necessary.


Here’s an excellent take on the BBC’s coverage of the Hillsborough Inquest. “Strange ‘bunch’ our old chums at the BBC. Having ignored South Yorkshire police’s many failings with regards to the Muslim paedophile grooming gangs in Rotherham, in the light of the Hillsborough inquest, they are now vilifying the force with something verging on glee. For well over a decade, if you recall, South Yorks constabulary (and others) covered up … Continue reading


Here’s an interesting comment from one of our regular readers; “EU all sound bites and slogans but no facts. When will the BBC and other media outlets start to put some facts either in graphical or diagrammatic form to back up opinions and statements ? Any presentation would be welcome It would appear their elitism extends to the point whereupon they believe the electorate and general public ” cannot understand complex … Continue reading


A B-BBC reader writes; “On the BBC World Home page today. One of the ‘Most Popular’ news item in the list was apparently this one: “Hillsborough Justice hailed but not on front of Sun”. You go into look and yes that’s correct and not very sensible of The Sun. The Sun has a piece instead about an EU Cover Up/David Cameron. BBC bias is getting ridiculous and as I am … Continue reading

The Phoney Pot

  The government makes all sorts of claims about the threat to inward investment to the UK should we leave the EU’s clutches and the BBC does little to dispel such notions.  Hence we bring you this piece of puffery from the government from last year in which they boast of their success in attracting record levels of investment to the UK…due to the government’s fabled long term economic plan, … Continue reading