Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Doncaster. On the panel are: Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan, Dia Chakravarty of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, Green Party peer Baroness Jones, Labour MP Owen Smith and an irrelevant scotch person.

Kick off Thursday at 22.45

Chat here, register here if necessary.

IPSO Factotum?

  Perhaps an irony that as Whittingdale is being hounded the chair of IPSO gives his first speech on Press freedom and regulation: IPSO Chair: Newspapers needed more than ever Delivering the first Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) Lecture the organisation’s chairman, Sir Alan Moses, has said that newspapers are needed more than ever alongside “verifiable reliable sources of news and…journalism”. Eighteen months after its launch, the regulator is working … Continue reading

What the Fudge?

    Why did the BBC not expose Whittingdale?  Did they have a hold over him or think they did? From The Conservative Woman: Whittingdale backs away from putting the BBC in its place The BBC should pay the price for its blatant anti-Tory and more importantly its anti (small c) conservative bias in the upcoming Charter Review. But under John Whittingdale, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport … Continue reading

Sins of Omission

  Thanks to all those who pointed out these stories…… What has the BBC ignored recently?…. Whilst giving the IMF’s announcement of Brexit induced armageddon top billing the BBC failed entirely to report this… Cameron’s EU renegotiation is nothing more than a deal ‘hammered out down the local bazaar’ and isn’t legally binding, says top eurocrat Curious they ignore that as they went to town on Michael Gove when he … Continue reading

Today #fail

  The Today programme (0730) does an indepth investigation of the Whittingdale story.  LOL. It’s all newspapers, newspapers, newspapers.  Just why didn’t they publish the story on Whittingdale and just how much did it influence government policy on Press regulation?…asks the BBC’s Norman Smith.  Trust is why this matters, its impact on government policy. The charge is this, he says, the redtops chose not to publish and you can contrast … Continue reading

Newsnight #fail

    Fascinating to watch Newsnight’s ‘coverage’ of the Whittingdale story (13 mins)…….what we got was only half the story because the BBC itself  and Charter review never got a mention. Maitlis begins by asking ‘Is this a story about breach of privacy or a fatal conflict of interest?’ Telling us ‘We bring you what we know’.  Now that’s just not true from the off. We hear that this was … Continue reading

BBC Blackmailed Whippingdale?

      The BBC has decided to break cover and attack John Whittingdale openly for his relationship with someone who turned out to have been a sex worker…..Mistress Kate, aka Olivia King….a story finally reported by ‘Byline’ after having been on the internet for two years…..     Byline can reveal a year long relationship between a senior figure in David Cameron’s government and a dominatrix which potentially jeopardized … Continue reading

Mission Implausible

  The BBC tells us, shouts at us……. IMF: Brexit could cause severe damage Analysis by BBC economics editor Kamal Ahmed: Maurice Obstfeld, economic counsellor to the International Monetary Fund and the organisation’s chief economist, says there could be “severe regional and global damage” if Britain were to vote to leave the European Union. An exit would present “major challenges” and a prolonged period of uncertainty which would “weigh” – … Continue reading

‘They’re coming!’ The Conquest of Rome     It is an irony that as her husband, Brad Pitt, playing a UN official, once again saves the world from a flood of Zombies, Angelina Jolie, Special Envoy for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, is saving the world from….hmmm….us. The 40-year-old actress will give the address on migration and its impact on the world in the programme World On The Move – which will be broadcast … Continue reading