Loose Talk

  Always interesting those little comments that slip out and which reveal so much. Peter Allen was discussing Northern Ireland and Stormont.  We heard how things may not be perfect now and people may not be happy with Stormont’s government but they forget how bad it was before…Allen piped up….‘A bit like Europe then’…..Yeah that’s right Peter, the EU, so unappreciated…it may not be perfect but let’s not forget that … Continue reading

Loose talk from a Loose Canon

    No wonder Giles Fraser loves immigration so much….his flock doth increaseth so much….and as they probably don’t speak English too well it doesn’t matter that Giles speaks utter bilge most of the time….   Giles Fraser ‏@giles_fraser 3d3 days ago I counted 25 different countries of origin in my congregation this morning. Hard to think another local organisation can boast that. Ah, redemption……Giles is a Brexiteer…the Today teaboy … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Exeter. On the panel are: Conservative MP Liam Fox, Labour MP Kate Hoey MP, founder and chairman of Wetherspoons Tim Martin, former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown and an irrelevant Welsh person

Kick off Thursday at 22.55

Chat here
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The BBC Whittingdale Cover-up?

Natalie Rowe ‏@RealNatalieRowe 5 Nov 2015 Hope that( if in office ) @JWhittingdale dismantles @BBC.Your aware of his scandal & are just too fucking scared. Yet you want license fees The BBC would have known about Natalie Rowe’s claims about Whittingdale since 2014 when they started to come out into the public sphere, and mid 2015 they were published in her book. Did Rowe contact the BBC immediately herself in … Continue reading

Love the smell of Bulls**t in the morning

    Memory lane….let’s take a trip….   Labour’s Hugh Gaitskell in October 1962, predicted the truth five decades ago…. ‘Of course, the Tories have been indulging in their usual double-talk. When they go to Brussels they show the greatest enthusiasm for political union. ‘When they speak in the House of Commons they are most anxious to aver that there is no commitment whatever to any political union.’ What the … Continue reading


The BBC have been so busy facilitating Osborne’s latest Project Fear wheeze that we will all be several thousands pounds worse off by 2030, that it seems to have missed this, as a Biased BBC reader draws to my eye; Why has the BBC ignored this? Banks in the eurozone have a £715billion black hole in their books, posing serious danger to the stability of the European and global economy. In … Continue reading


A Biased BBC contributor shared this with me. “I thought you might be interested in the email below which was just sent out to BBC News staff. Jasmine Williams is also known as Jasmine Lawrence, and these links show what she did ahead of the European and local elections in 2014. Interesting to see the BBC promoting her just before the EU referendum! http://www.bbc.co.uk/ariel/27518447 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2635680/Top-BBC-editor-brands-Ukip-racist-sexist-Twitter-News-channel-boss-accused-bias-hours-election.html This email is being sent … Continue reading

Facts, Facts, And BBC Facts.

    This should have been up this morning but I guess there were a few gremlins in the system……   The BBC blitzed the Leave campaign’s suggestion that the NHS would benefit from money now given to the EU being handed instead directly to the NHS without the EU taking its cut and the EU deciding how it should be spent.  Here’s a couple of examples of the BBC’s … Continue reading