You don’t say

  A world of hidden wealth: why we [The Guardian] are shining a light offshore Though there is nothing unlawful about using offshore companies, the files raise fundamental questions about the ethics of such tax havens. Since the 2008 crash, there has been a clamour for everyone to pay a fair share of the tax burden. Unsurprisingly, the public is questioning – perhaps more than ever – whether a system … Continue reading

The Puzzle Puzzle

    The BBC always wondered out loud, mainly in the context of the Coalition government must be failing appallingly and yet unemployment keeps falling!!???!!, about the apparent puzzles of ever rising employment and the apparent lack of productivity. The BBC never bothered to go out and just ask the businesses why they were employing people, that would be too easy.  The BBC preferred to speculate and tell us that … Continue reading


Funny how the BBC seems to have overlooked the crucial role played by their former darling Ed Miliband in hiking UK energy costs to the point where making Steel here is fundamentally uneconomic. Still, they love making the hapless Conservatives look as bad as possible. Anyway, it’s Friday and time for a new one of these…

The Muslim Schindler

    The BBC that won’t tell you that a Sunni Muslim killed an Ahmadi Muslim in a religiously motivated attack, the BBC that so often won’t admit that Jihadists are primarily and genuinely motivated by religion and so often refuses to mention the word ‘Muslim’ in reports on terrorism, sorry, ‘militancy’, has now decided that it it will after all link Islam to the motivations of a Muslim…. Kenya … Continue reading

Shoot…The Messenger

SPIEGEL: You have suggested using weapons at the border. Petry: I would hope that you would know better than that! But I’ll happily explain one more time: In response to numerous questions, and after listing off various options for securing the border, I mentioned that the use of armed force in the case of an emergency is consistent with German law, a step which I personally, explicitly do not want. … Continue reading

A Tangled Web of Deceit and Silence

Douglas Murray in the Spectator makes the connections I made in the last post….only written much better…. The questions nobody wants to ask about Asad Shah’s murder On Maundy Thursday a Muslim shopkeeper in Glasgow was brutally murdered.  Forty-year-old Asad Shah was allegedly stabbed in the head with a kitchen knife and then stamped upon.  Most of the UK press began by going big on this story and referring to it as … Continue reading

Brussels pouts

    The BBC in full-on pro-EU mode with this..heard it on the radio and knew what was coming…here it is in black and white, an ‘analysis by the BBC’s Andrew Verity…. The UK’s current account deficit widened to a record high in the final quarter of last year. The deficit in the three months to December was £32.7bn, the equivalent of 7% of GDP, said the Office for National … Continue reading

Glorious Multi-culti Britain

  Multi-culturalism in many respects does thrive in the UK  but not as the Left would like.  Many of those ‘cultures’ just get on with life not making a fuss nor demanding special treatment.  Others are not so peaceable and it is these that the Left pray upon, or rather become useful idiots for….Iran should be a lesson for them in how teaming up with Team Islam works out. The … Continue reading