Another ‘senseless tragedy’?

    “It really matters that our news and current affairs is the best, the highest top-level journalism you can have.”  Gwyneth Williams, Controller Radio 4   If this is the best they can do gawd help us. Remember Asad Shah, the Ahmadi Muslim killed in Glasgow?  The BBC are doing their best to disremember him and all the inconvenient truths that his death brings out into the open. We’ve … Continue reading

Day of the Cackle

  Ritula Shah introduces the guests on Any Questions and announces that the right-leaning, pro-Brexit Freddie Forsyth has ‘given up writing fiction but is now writing a weekly column for the Daily Express where he comments on a wide range of things including Brexit.’  I thought the Now Show had finished at one, obviously not, one last gasp in them. Any chance that there was supposed to be a snidy … Continue reading

Open Thread Monday

  Another open thread to kick things off……I imagine it will fill up fast as the bias is coming thick and fast with immigration, militancy, the Tories and UKIP tearing themselves apart [Labour apparently not so much] and lots of people being eradicated for not being Muslim….oh, and Trump of course!  The BBC has a lot to manage as it spins its narratives for that lot.  Watch out and report … Continue reading

Burmese Daze

    Did you know Christians were being persecuted in Burma?  You knew Muslims were in conflict with the Buddhists because the BBC has relentlessly been promoting the cause of the Muslim insurgents in Burma…but I have never heard the BBC mention that Christians were under attack.  This is the same BBC of course that told us a couple of years ago that Christians in the Middle East were thriving … Continue reading

Huddled Masses

  Thanks to NCBBC in the comments who links us to this from Breitbart: BBC Radio Drama Gave Tips For Illegal Migrants In Somalia A BBC department that produced a radio drama giving practical tips to would-be migrants on how to cross from Somalia to Europe received nearly £90 million of British tax payers’ money. The drama, broadcast to Somalia and Kenya at the height of the migrant crisis, featured … Continue reading

Rest In Peace and The Religion of Peace

The family of a popular Muslim shopkeeper who was murdered after posting an online Easter message to “my beloved Christian nation” has disclosed they fear for their lives following the brutal attack. Asad Shah’s wife and siblings said they had been left “heartbroken” by the killing and they had been overwhelmed by the messages of support they had received from the local community in the Shawlands area of Glasgow. But … Continue reading

The Glorious Insurrection?

  Nice to see that the BBC is referring to the terrorists in Brussels as ‘militants’ on their news bulletins this morning…not ‘very militant’ or even ‘very, very militant’,  just ‘militant’.  Of course the use of the word ‘terrorist’ is controversial as so many Muslims see these boys as freedom fighters and victims of Western oppression…so we can’t be seen to be taking sides at the BBC can we? Rather … Continue reading

The nose of the camel

    Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’ and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing’ A top Iman has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and ‘conquer their countries’. Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem claiming Europe was only welcoming refugees as a new source of labour. He said … Continue reading

‘The Hindu Defence League’

    Not much has changed since 2008 when this was in the news… Sikhs and Hindus accuse BBC of pro-Muslim bias Hindu and Sikh leaders have accused the BBC of pandering to Britain’s Muslim community by making a disproportionate number of programmes on Islam at the expense of covering other Asian religions. A breakdown of programming from the BBC’s Religion and Ethics department, seen by The Independent, reveals that … Continue reading