Sharing The Burden

  ‘The richest fifth of the population are worse off now in terms of disposable income than they were before the 2007 financial crash, but the poorest fifth have typically become better off, according to official figures.’ “The economic downturn “had a negative impact on the incomes of all but the poorest fifth of the population”  ONS   Remember this from last year?  How times change… A plan … Continue reading

The Now Show…Not The Yesterday Show

  Huge Penis and the little Jeremy Hunt fronted the Now Show with the usual litany of lefty laughs…so-called. Why did a ‘comedy’ programme bring on a left wing polemicist from lefty Der Spiegel to talk about Brexit?  What did we hear?  ‘What the hell are you thinking!?’  Apparently it is all too mad to contemplate Brexit….oh and any anti-EU opinion in Germany is the government’s fault not the EU’s. … Continue reading

Poor, Poor BBC

    Lord Hall Hall is bemoaning the BBC’s poverty and inability to compete with the commercial companies… The BBC must look beyond its traditional competitors of ITV and Sky as it seeks new audiences. Lord Hall describes it as a “flight to quality”, and says that the corporation cannot hope to match the spending of an organisation such as Netflix, which plans to spend $5 billion (£3.5 billion) on … Continue reading


Schools are required to report on racist incidents and Surrey has produced annual reports on the information provided. We know from this information that racist incidents can occur in any school in any part of Surrey. It is important to report racist incidents as this enables both schools and the County to identify trends and work together to address the issue. Schools should recognise that reporting these incidents will be … Continue reading


    Listening to Sunday this morning and we were apparently going to have a look at the Pope Tweeting what we actually got was the talk hijacked by, given over to,  a Muslim who went on to tell us how wonderful the internet is for Islam.  This may have backfired for the BBC who undoubtedly thought this was a good opportunity to show how modern, connected and integrated Muslims … Continue reading

Loving Obama

Glory be, the sainted Obama is soon to leave us…bu his place in history as a great American President is surely cemented. The BBC is here to ensure it is. Inside Obama’s Whitehouse A month after his victory, Barack Obama discovered America was on the verge of a great depression. He puts his plans for change on hold to pass the largest stimulus in history. Obama promises to close Guantanamo … Continue reading

Budget journalism

  Astonishing how the BBC can skirt around a subject and not mention it even as they talk about it….when they want to. Anyone think the Budget was all about not upsetting the punters before the referendum and keeping them onside with the pro-EU government?  Lots of people have that opinion….maybe even the BBC, but it’s not letting on. Even in this report that is specifically about Osborne mentioning the … Continue reading

Fingers, pies, lots of

  Today we were reminded that the BBC was a member of the CBI, and may still be one. Today we were also reminded that the BBC owns half of UKTV via BBC Worldwide which brings us channels such as  ‘Dave’ and ‘Gold’ … A television company that is part-owned by the BBC has sacked one of its executives, after he offered to provide them with a huge cache of … Continue reading

Sweet Nothings

  Fascinating watching the BBC at work as 4 of its finest tried to get to grips with the budget, sifting desperately through it in a frantic search for the big ‘un, the scoop that would blow Osborne away.   The best that they could come up with was that he had failed to meet his target of reducing debt as a proportion of GDP….Huw Edwards said sagely that this … Continue reading