Mind your PMQs

    David Cameron in PMQs condemned the fact that Labour had allowed back into its ranks one Gerry Downing….. “I was completely appalled to see yesterday that the Labour Party have readmitted someone to their party who says that the 9/11 suicide bombers, and I quote, “must never be condemned”, and belongs to an organisation that says “we defend the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq”. These are appalling … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Dundee. On the panel: leader of the Scottish Conservatives Ruth Davidson MSP, deputy first minister of Scotland John Swinney MSP, Shadow cabinet secretary for Health & Wellbeing Jenny Marra MSP, Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie MSP, Scottish Greens MSP Patrick Harvie and Daily Telegraph columnist Tim Stanley. An enthralling prospect, I’m sure you’ll agree. Kick off tonight (Thursday) at 22.50 Chat here, register … Continue reading


Wanting to draw your attention to a new site that will be monitoring the BBC on an unprecedented basis during the build-up to the June 23 Referendum. The site is called www.bbccomplaints.com (sister to News-watch) Please make sure you bookmark it!  


The BBC ran this story with some enthusiasm today; Boris Johnson says an email telling his senior staff to back him over the EU referendum has been withdrawn. The London mayor, who is campaigning to leave the EU, said the memo to deputy mayors and senior advisers was “a cock-up, and not something I agree with”.It told them to “either advocate the mayor’s position or otherwise not openly contradict it” when … Continue reading

The Wild Business West

    The BCC’s John Longworth was forced to resign for his comments on Brexit and the BBC has been repeatedly playing a clip of Phil Smith, the managing director of ‘Business West’ and BCC member, making a very aggressive attack on Longworth on the BBC’s PM programme on saturday.(11 mins).  Perhaps this clip should come with a health warning. Smith is in no way impartial and has already set … Continue reading


  [The next government must] deliver a new settlement for Britain in Europe –because making the economic opportunities of the European trading bloc work for business, and ensuring clear safeguards for Britain against unwanted further integration, will be critical for our future success. IF OUR PROPOSALS ARE DELIVERED: •The UK’s future relationship with the EU will reflect what Chamber members tell us they want to see achieved: a reformed, more … Continue reading


New week, more bias, same BBC. I was talking to Jon Gaunt earlier this morning regarding the Andrew Marr “interview” with Boris Johnson yesterday. In fact it was more of a sustained interruption than anything else! Marr exemplifies all that is rotten in the BBC, overtly biased and a creature of the liberal left. Anyway, here is where you can detail the bias!

The quote what I didn’t wrote

Gerard Lyons Retweeted Christopher Hope ‏@christopherhope 11 hrs11 hours ago Boris Johnson was interrupted 57 times on the Andrew Marr Show today; PM was only intrerrupted 23 times two weeks ago. #marr   Andrew Marr when interviewing Boris Johnson (40 mins) misquoted by omission Gerard Lyons, suggesting that he said Brexit would entail a period of dislocation, uncertainty and job loss in the transition…there would be, Marr told us, a … Continue reading

Duck Donald

  Trump isn’t anti-migrant or anti-Muslim…he wants to stop illegal migration and temporarily control Muslim entry to the US until they work out how to deal with the threat of Islamic State infiltrators who aim to kill as many Americans as possible…..many established Hispanics support Trump’s statement as they see the vast numbers of poor Mexicans as a threat to their livelihoods…whilst the Democrats want an open door policy because … Continue reading