A Pure and Authentic Somalia

  After David’s post on Somalia I thought this piece might be of interest and open a few eyes at the BBC whose narratives on Empire, colonialism and immigration are increasingly naive…..Diaspora Somalis are seen as ‘foreigners’ who do not integrate, destabilise Somali society which the Somalis want to keep ‘pure and authentically Somali’ and are acting like colonialists wanting to improve the natives…….   Somalis returning to the motherland … Continue reading


Here’s an interesting tip off I received in the mail. It concerns the BBC enforcing Islam compliance with regard to headscarfs. It shows how the BBC caves when it comes to Islamic bullying. How can we trust it when it does not trust itself? “The BBC World Service has censored a video of its OWN JOURNALIST reading a news bulletin because Islamists complained she was not wearing a headscarf. The journalist works … Continue reading

Not the Book of the Week

  Why, when the BBC is so interested in FGM and women’s rights, does it ignore a book by Elham Manea, a Muslim, that says the Islamic laws that some sharia courts in the UK propagate are more antiquated and extreme than in parts of Pakistan, courts that enforce laws that condone wife beating, ignore marital rape, allow men to have 4 wives and give the father ultimate power over … Continue reading

Ape Sh*t

    Did Rod Liddle really compare Muslims to monkeys in the Sunday Times today?  Yep he did. We’ve had the story about monkeys getting religion as they throw rocks at a tree, Rod Liddle casts a cynical eye over such a likelihood and says that…. ‘I suppose throwing rocks at a tree does resemble, a little, the Muslim ritual of “stoning the Devil” on the hajj during Eid al-Adha, … Continue reading

Watch Out

  Nothing to do with BBC bias but time for a wee amusement break…..who knew there were so many comedians in the backwaters of the Amazon? Saw this in the Independent…and of course had to investigate…. Smartwatches that allow pupils to ‘cheat’ in exams for sale on Amazon Smartwatches that allow pupils and students to cheat in exams are being openly sold on Amazon. An advert for one such watch, … Continue reading

Open Bordering on Madness

    As John Humphrys proposes we open the borders to allow in what will be millions of Muslims into Europe and the Pope surrenders his religion there is at least Rod Liddle manning the borders……the ‘open border’ narrative is similar to the multicultural one where we place no restrictions on other cultures who seek to colonise Europe….we can only benefit from such rich diversity…can’t we?… What do all these … Continue reading

Dope of a Pope

  The BBC seems Pope-mad at the moment practically reporting every word of any Pope living or dead…indeed rifling through John Paul’s very personal letters for salacious tittle tattle that doesn’t exist…..hardly a day goes by without some dope on a Pope… Pope Francis questions Donald Trump’s Christianity Pope Francis decries migrant ‘tragedy’ at Mexico Mass Pope Francis set for historic Orthodox Patriarch meeting The Secret Letters of Pope John … Continue reading

Mandelson…The EU’s loyal lapdog

  Listening to the lightweight interview that slippery Mandelson had to ‘endure’ with John Humphrys the other day I wondered why the BBC didn’t remind us of this….The EU’s loyal lapdog…. Lord Mandelson must remain loyal to EU to guarantee pension Lord Mandelson is not allowed to criticise the European Union if he wants to keep hold of his £31,000-a-year pension as a former European Commissioner Mandelson will receive “a … Continue reading


  Guess the BBC’s pro-EU coverage is paying off handsomely. Judging by this speech by the Culture Secretary, John Whittingdale, the BBC has little to fear from the Charter review…..indeed much to win as it is going to be able to charge for the iPlayer now.  Their major loss is the BBC Trust which guarded the BBC’s dignity so fiercely and so badly served the paying audience.  On another subject…..As … Continue reading