“The road to Paris and London lies via the towns of Afghanistan, the Punjab and Bengal”

    Trotsky and Lenin believed that revolution in the West – in one of the key centers of capitalism – was necessary to secure the future of the international revolution. But they both also understood the importance of the revolts by those oppressed by colonialism and imperialism. As Trotsky put it in 1919, while on the frontline with the Red Army, “The road to Paris and London lies via … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Liverpool. The panellists are: UKIP MEP for North West England Louise Bours, Conservative MP for Esher and Walton, Dominic Raab; Labour shadow chancellor John McDonnell, Guardian columnist Zoe Williams and former England footballer Jermaine Jenas. No MP for any of the Merseyside parliamentary constituencies will appear, for reasons unknown.

Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.45

Chat here, register here if necessary.

To be Frank

    Just listening (on Today 08:44) to yet another Frank Gardner attack on Saudi Arabia….bet the Saudis wish they had paid off Gardner with the £1 million that they said they would pay him for his injuries received in a terrorist attack.  Not saying it colours his reportage about Saudi but Frank’s a little bit bitter. Apparently Britain and the US is responsible for the war in Yemen because … Continue reading

Charter Renewal?…..You scratch my back and……

  I wonder if the BBC thinks that supporting the government position on the EU referendum will make the government look kindly upon the BBC when the Charter Renewal is finally decided?  Has Lord Hall Hall got an agreement with Cameron? No, of course not, the independent and impartial BBC would never stoop so low.   The BBC may interview some who support Brexit but it is becoming more and … Continue reading


When it’s not being used to spread Project Fear, BBC Radio 4 likes to relax by continually expressing its disgust at the success of Donald Trump and this morning was no exception. The BBC just cannot understand how a man like Trump – with his “awful” views – has had such a successful SuperTuesday! I can’t wait for him to become President, just as the UK exist the EU. It … Continue reading

Battle of the Bulge

  Always amusing how much effort the BBC puts into avoiding mentioning or downplaying immigration and its effects. Just why did the BBC decide to frame Macedonia’s actions in protecting itself against the attempt by mostly young, male Muslims to invade Macedonia using brute force as something Macedonia had to ‘defend’….Macedonia doesn’t have to ‘defend’ its actions, it has to defend its, and Europe’s, borders against vast numbers of people … Continue reading

What took them so long?

  After all the years Paul Mason worked for the BBC has the Tory Party just woken up to the fact he is somewhat left of left?  Just why did the ‘impartial’ BBC employ him when he was so obviously way off any norm? Via Guido…   “The fact that the Labour Party is now getting its advice from Yanis Varoufakis and the revolutionary Marxist broadcaster Paul Mason does not … Continue reading

Not today thank you

  It seems the BBC has shut up shop, it has burnt itself out reporting so enthusiastically about the letter (written by No10) from a group of businessmen cheerleading for the EU and another from some military types who hold the same views. Odd, if we are supposed to vaue the opinions of such people, that the BBC ignores views from similarly statuesque figures on the Brexit side of things…such … Continue reading