Hard Not to Laugh

    Jude Law’s security team was attacked and mugged by migrants when the cameras stopped after the Hollywood star left the jungle camp in Calais Security guards hired to protect Jude Law when he visited the ‘Jungle’ migrant camp were reportedly targeted by rock-pelting migrants just moments after the actor boarded the coach home. But moments after the celebrities had boarded the production team coach back to Britain, their … Continue reading

Crisis? What Crisis?

  ‘I am struggling a bit to see where the crisis is.’  John Humphrys in his own interview on the BBC’s nursing shortage ‘crisis’ in the NHS   The BBC has been headlining with the news that there is a shortage of nurses in the NHS and foreign nurses are having to be recruited, at great expense, by the shipload. Trouble is, much like its claim that Jeremy Hunt was … Continue reading

Savaging Savile

    Thanks to Notafanofpoliticians for this:   Shame Rotten wasn’t as full of principles as he suggests…     Elsewhere…Paul Merton denies a transcript of him abusing Savile is real…..     Here’s the transcript….put up not by its writers but by someone else….who got the HIGNFY teams wrong….Savile did appear on the show but with Hislop.   The real writers admit to it being a hoax. So who … Continue reading

King Tut

‘I saw that letter from business leaders this week saying we should stay in. Some of them are the same people who said Britain should adopt the euro. Why on earth should we listen to them?’  Mervyn King   So the world will implode if Britain leaves the EU. Funny that the Deutsche Börse doesn’t think so… London Stock Exchange in merger talks with Deutsche Börse The London Stock Exchange … Continue reading

Is the BBC the most dishonest organisation in the UK?

  One can only wonder what goes on in the mind of Lord Hall Hall.  He runs an organisation which has dishonesty running through its very core as it deceives the British Public on Europe, on Islam, on immigration, on the economy and yet he has sacked Tony Blackburn for apparently giving evidence to Dame Janet Smith that “…fell short of the standards of evidence that such an inquiry demanded.” … Continue reading


  The BBC digging out the smallest pro-EU story and ignoring the massive bombshell on immigration. Oddly enough the Daily Mail is often the source of BBC stories and on Saturday the Today programme (08:52) highlighted an important issue using a story from the Mail.  Apparently we would never have had the children’s book ‘The Gruffalo’ if it hadn’t been for the EU….. EU ‘GAVE US THE GRUFFALO’ The Gruffalo … Continue reading

Dial M for Murder

  Oh look, the agitprop jihadis must be gutted…turns out that the murderer of Imam Jalal Uddin in Rochdale, or the ‘sex grooming town’ as the Times described it, was not a Far-Right, white Islamophobe……unless he was called ‘Mohammed Hussain Syeedy’ ,who has been charged with the murder.  Maybe, ala Hugh Sykes, he was conned into committing the murder by a sinister Right-Wing conspiracy? No links on the BBC page … Continue reading


        Originally I was going to say this video about the EU funding highly political oganisations such as Oxfam was purely one posted for interest which had nothing to do with the BBC but on reflection it has everything to do with the BBC. The BBC, as we know, itself receives fairly large sums of cash from the EU…£20,152,022 (€24,435,906) to be precise. That is the sum … Continue reading