Old, Male, Pale, Stupid and Angry

  The BBC likes to go with the stereotype that those opposed to mass, uncontrolled immigration are uneducated, old, male and pale whilst the pro-EU types are young, educated, go-getting cosmopolitan thrusters……guess they’ll have to reel back on that convenient labelling…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IetdkP31IWE    


One of the things that most annoys me about the BBC is how it is using the TODAY programme each morning to disseminate “Project Fear” propaganda from Cameron and his pals. This morning we were treated to the Editor of The Economist screeching that the UK could “only” ever hope to obtain a trade deal with the EU similar to that of Norway. It appears the simple economic fact that … Continue reading

Freedom from information

  The BBC was very eager to nail the government on its supposed ‘misleading’ figures for death rates in the NHS at weekends [Not so keen to get to the real figures though] with a FOI request. Strangely the BBC shows a marked reluctance to similarly nail the government when it comes to genuinely dodgy immigration figures that the government admits it won’t reveal because ‘ it might prejudice the … Continue reading


  Remember the time when diligent BBC reporters would plaster the BBC website with stories of the police dragging ‘innocent’ schoolboys off to be waterboarded?  How times change…not a sign of this tale of a white, non-Muslim boy beng so treated… Outrage as school calls police after pupil looks at Ukip website in class Teenager Joe Taylor was flagged up for political extremism by the deputy head after he used … Continue reading

Rough Injustice

    The BBC has been telling us all day of the rise in rough sleepers and Labour’s outraged reaction. What the BBC wasn’t telling us in its news bulletins was that 56.7% of rough sleepers are immigrants…. Total non-UK    4,201    56.7% Only right at the very bottom of its website report does it make any such admission about immigrants… Where nationalities were available, 43% were from the UK, and … Continue reading

Rotherham Rozzers didn’t bother

  So the police get all the blame for Rotherham? Yesterday, unfortunately can’t remember when, a BBC reporter admitted that he repeatedly heard tales that the Hussain family were involved in serious crimes but the police were ignoring them. So the police ignored these crimes….what exactly did the intrepid BBC reporter do to expose both the crimes and the police’s inaction?  Nothing obviously. This wasn’t just a matter of the … Continue reading

The Not So Damning Dame

  Dame Janet Smith spent three years investigating the BBC and Savile and then allowed what, half an hour or so for journalists to quiz her on her conclusions limiting each one to one question and a supplementary question?  Ridiculous as she strictly regulated what they asked and how long they had to ask it.  Surprised at the journalists who deferred to her and allowed her to get away with … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Poole, Dorset. On the specially reinforced panel: Conservative MP for South West Norfolk, Elizabeth Truss, Telegraph journalist Julia Hartley-Brewer, Guardianista Giles Fraser, creator of Downton Abbey Julian Fellowes, and a very special welcome back to our Thursday nights for the lovely Dianne Abbott, Shadow Secretary for International Development.

Neither of the two local Tory MPs will be appearing for reasons unknown.

Kick off tonight at 22.45

Chat here, register here if necessary.

Circling The Bandwagons

  On the 22nd of October 2015 the BBC published a report about Jeremy Hunt ‘misleading’ us about the figures for weekend deaths in hospitals. Strangely this story resurfaced today as the BBC once again delved into the  subject, and curiously it just happened to be Prime Minister’s Questions today with Jeremy Corbyn leading with the BBC’s claim and actually quoting the BBC’s ‘research’.  No questions at all about the … Continue reading