Tartan Terror Hijacks The BBC

  Lord Hall Hall is weak and foolish.  He surrendered without a fight to George Osborne over the licence fee and the over 75’s, he has surrendered the BBC’s reputation as a broadcaster that we can trust to deliver accurate and impartial news as it now acts as a conduit for Islamist propaganda, and let’s not talk about its climate change reporting, and now he has surrendered to the tyranny … Continue reading

The Clash……Should We stay or should We go?

        David Dimbleby front’s the BBC’s EU coverage and will lead a debate to be held at Wembley Arena just two days before the referendum. This is pure showbiz from the BBC….there’s absolutely no need to hold such a major debate at such a massive venue and at such a dramatic time. The BBC’s description of the event is possibly more truthful than they intended to  let … Continue reading

Food for thought

  We had a look at the BBC’s ‘the Food Programme’ and its ideological, condescending and snobbish attitude towards fast food….so I thought this video from 2014 might be amusing….all the more amusing as I saw it on the BBC’s Emily Maitlis’ Twitter feed…..  

BBC’s Continental shelfishness

  From Julia Hartley-Brewer in the Telegraph…note the click poll at the end of the artcicle where 93% [at time of posting] think the BBC is biased against Eurosceptics……. The BBC thinks all Eurosceptics are frothing extremists. How can we trust it to be neutral? Our national broadcaster has already picked a side in the EU referendum – and it doesn’t even realise its own bias Forgive them, for they … Continue reading

We’re all in this together…just not you lot…

  Been listening to the BBC reports on the letter from the FTSE businessmen concerning Brexit…..now Justin Webb did a good job this morning on the Today programme (08:30) but BBC news did the usual chop, change and edit and reduced things to the usual soundbites that give an entirely false impression of events….and despite Lord Digby-Jones giving a robust statement on Wake Up To Money this morning (33 mins) … Continue reading


    Andrew Marr’s not having a good week. I’ve just been watching ‘Kick-Ass’ [WARNING SMOKING AND DRINKING], the movie in which an everyday geeky kid dreams of being a super hero and saving the world.  Has Andrew Marr not grown out of that phase yet?  Clearly Paul Mason (You can’t keep a good man down…yep he’s back) hasn’t as he tells us of his bizarre utopian child-like dream of … Continue reading

The gloves are off

  The phoney war is over and the BBC’s pretence of maintaining a neutral stance on the EU referendum is over.  That pretence of neutrality was always straining for credibility even before Cameron’s ‘win’ as the BBC managed to fill the airwaves with people who ‘just happened’ to support staying in the EU. Now however the gloves really are off and the BBC discussions that are supposed to inform us … Continue reading


Well then, it didn’t take the BBC long to start the undermining of Boris Johnson. I listened to the Today programme this morning and within ten minutes we had two very hostile interviews conducted by Nick Robinson. The first was with Lord Lawson and the second with Boris Johnson’s father. Both interviews were full on assaults on a/ The basis for Brexit and b/ Boris’s character. Between now and June … Continue reading