Andy Pandy

    Is Andrew Marr pandering to the Prime Minister and his pro-Europe stance or has Marr just lost his cutting edge as a journalist? Watching Marr this morning and you have to ask why the BBC put up Nick Robinson against the pro-Britain Kate Hoey…is Nick pro-Europe then as he seemed to be putting the case for the Inners? Here we have a rather patronising piece from Robinson in … Continue reading

Reform…the BBC

  From February 11th:   BBC governance needs radical overhaul, Committee report finds 11 February 2016 The Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s report on the BBC Charter review says the BBC is an “extraordinary national and global institution” with a “vast amount to contribute as an international standard of excellence in public service broadcasting”, but that in a fast-moving world it needs a radical overhaul of its governance arrangements. Report: BBC … Continue reading

Free as a jail bird

The law in regard to ‘joint enterprise’ has changed…and the BBC was very excited…it just loves a ‘wrongly convicted’ prisoner set free. Got the impression listening to the BBC yesterday morning that their initial reaction was rather joyous and that they could foresee plenty of ‘exclusive’ BBC stories down the line about injustices being righted as prisoners put in appeal after appeal all of which the BBC would happily devote … Continue reading

First Love

    The BBC’s foody programme ‘TheFood Programme’ is what you might typically think of as a perfect example of BBC think, that middle class do-gooding ‘something must be done’ touch of snobby arrogance that doesn’t brook any opposition….at least in this programme ‘First Bite’. In her new book, First Bite – How We Learn To Eat, Bee Wilson takes a deep and reflective look at how food choices and … Continue reading

The Guardian’s slippery slope

  The Guardian is becoming less of a newspaper and more and more of a campaigning, issues led vehicle for the green ink brigade.  The BBC isn’t far behind especially with its highly inaccurate and one-sided ‘reporting’ of Race in America….even today it tells us that its programme about OJ Simpson was more concerned with racial issues than the murder itself. The Guardian gives a platform to just about any … Continue reading

Double Trouble

  The Today programme graced us with a report revealing that UK children are amongst the unhappiest in  the world and 5Live followed up on that. 0850 A major international study ranks England 13th out of 16 countries when it comes to children’s life satisfaction. Jonathan Bradshaw is a professor of social policy at the University of York who co-edited the report. I know that the BBC is trying to … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Stratford-upon-Avon. Panellists include Conservative MP for Putney, Roehampton and Southfields; Justine Greening, businessman and former Dragon Theo Paphitis, broadcaster June Sarpong, Labour MP for Wigan Lisa Nandy and SNP MP for somewhere in Scotland, presumably; John Nicolson.

Local Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi won’t be making an appearance for reasons unknown.

Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.45

Chat here, register here if necessary.

The Iron Veil

    The BBC’s Hugh Sykes has tweeted that the alleged sex abuse of a 15 year old girl by Sunderland footballer (ex), Adam Johnston, was the result of a conspiracy by Manchester United to undermine Sunderland….or so he has heard from ‘credible’ sources.   The BBC long ignored allegations against Islamist Tower Hamlet Mayor, Lutfur Rahman, until reality caught up with them and they could no longer ignore the … Continue reading