Whitewashing the whitewash

  The Guardian never fails us…or its chums at the BBC. The reason the BBC allowed Savile to rape and abuse young boys and girls was that the BBC were under siege from Thatcher and her ilk…..why is it always Thatcher’s fault? Savile debacle is the clear consequence of a BBC under siege Dame Janet has ploughed through 375 witnesses over three years. She has documented four Savile rapes and … Continue reading

Noway Norway

    A little light reading for those who want to judge the BBC’s EU coverage and need a bit more information to go by….   The Norway Option — Some bookmarks The Norway Option will keep appearing in the EU referendum debate so here are some useful links explaining what it’s all about. What is the Norway Option? The Norway Option is a move whereby the UK gives up EU membership … Continue reading

Blooming Idle and the EU nightmare/wonderland

  Norway and the EU Norway and the EU enjoy good and close relations, although Norway is not a member of the European Union. The Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) is the mainstay of our cooperation, and it ensures that Norway takes part in the EU internal market. We are also part of the Schengen Agreement and cooperate with the EU on foreign and security policy issues. Through … Continue reading

Piracy on the airwaves

    The Telegraph tells us…… BBC charter review consultation hijacked by left-wing campaign group The Culture Secretary has been forced to revisit the consultation on the future of the BBC John Whittingdale, the culture secretary, is to launch a new study of public attitudes towards the BBC, after a consultation into the future of the corporation was hijacked by a left-wing campaigning group. It has now emerged that 177,000 … Continue reading

Our moral guardians

    Caught Nolan last night (11:34)…thankfully at tale end of a discussion on immigration. Nolan then went on to Google and tax…..we had Edwina Currie putting up an excellent and reasoned defence and someone from Labour who didn’t have a clue about the corporate tax system in the UK but that didn’t stop her declaring emphatically that Google wasn’t paying its legal tax requirement….a classic claim from her was … Continue reading

Inciting or Enticing

  Jim Naughtie treated us to his syruppy pro-indendence tones this morning on the Today programme (08:42-ish) as he told us that there was ‘an enticing prospect’ of Scotland voting to stay in Europe…whilst England voted to leave. Enticing for who exactly? Naughtie also told us that Nicola Sturgeon was ‘exceptionally cautious’ about raising the prospect of another independence referendum, LOL… but…she may be ‘pushed’ into that position if the … Continue reading


It’s a rotating door between the left wing press and the BBC.  The Spectator reports; The Guardian set tongues wagging across Westminster in December when its editor Katharine Viner appointed two women to share the role of political editor. Although the paper’s chief political correspondent Nicholas Watt had been seen as the favourite to succeed Patrick Wintour, Sky News‘s Anushka Asthana and Observer economics editor Heather Stewart were offered the role as a job-share, after … Continue reading


Seen this? “Lancashire Police have “condemned” a “misleading” report by the BBC, claiming a ten-year-old Muslim boy’s family had been investigated after he accidentally wrote that he lived in a “terrorist” house in his homework, when he meant “terraced”. The police said there were genuine concerns about the boys “safety”, which “the reporter was fully aware of this before she wrote her story”, however the BBC’s version of events was picked up by … Continue reading