So no one knew what was going on and no one can be held responsible. Senior figures from the BBC are “very likely” to be called before MPs to explain whether changes were made in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal. Jesse Norman said the culture select committee, which he chairs, “needed to be satisfied the culture has changed”. The report into cases of sexual abuse by the former BBC presenter … Continue reading


At LAST. The BBC finds a Conservative that it can like. His name? Crispin Blunt. A Conservative MP has told the House of Commons he is a user of the popper recreational drug and a ban on its supply would be “fantastically stupid”. Ex-minister Crispin Blunt said users of the drug were “astonished” by talk of a ban and respect for the law “would fly out of the window” if it … Continue reading

Better luck next time

    Here’s what the BBC doesn’t want you to see following its misreporting in the case of the ten year old ‘terrorist’.….the BBC moved straight in and tried to use the case as evidence to prove the ineffectiveness of the anti-terrorism Prevent programme….something the Muslim ‘radicals’ are desperate to neutralise…..did the MCB feed the BBC the story of the schoolboy in the knowledge that the BBC is a willing … Continue reading

So Close…..

  A police spokesman added later “The BBC reporter had been given the context surrounding the incident by both Lancashire council and the police, as well as guidance to make sure that the story would not be “sensationalised or reported differently to how it was brought to us”.   I was going to write a post praising the BBC for their balanced reporting on the issue, if it is an … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Belfast. The panel consists of: DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds, Conservative Northern Ireland secretary of state Theresa Villiers, Labour luvvie Peter Hain, comedian and writer Grainne Maguire and Sinn Fein’s Declan Kearney.

This is B-BBC Head Honcho David Vance’s home turf, so don’t be surprised if he pops up in disguise to ask some awkward questions!

Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.45

Chat here

Register here if necessary.

One ‘Plan B’ the BBC aren’t keen on

“I would advise us all to prepare a plan B.”   The Guardian, the Mail and the Telegraph all report this story…. Germany must soon close borders to refugees, transport minister tells Merkel Chancellor Angela Merkel’s transport minister has urged her to prepare to close Germany’s borders to keep out refugees, arguing that Berlin must act alone if it cannot reach a Europe-wide deal. Alexander Dobrindt said Germany could no … Continue reading


The BBC is a relentless propagandist for unlimited immigration,prioritising those who demand the right to live here ahead of the rights of the local population. BBC Radio 4 Today has been leading with this story…. The front doors of houses used by asylum seekers are to be repainted, after claims they were targeted because nearly all of the doors were red. Asylum seekers in Middlesbrough told The Times eggs and stones had been … Continue reading


This is a guest post by BBBC contributor, Nibor. “A lot of the BBC time lately is about transgender , and the problems it thinks such people have . What the rest of us feel seems of no consequence . This is a BBC trait ; there is a minority group , and only their thoughts and opinions and those who are facilitating their ” conversion ” are broadcast . … Continue reading

‘We don’t have to believe them!’

  Funny what catches the BBC’s interest.  Mass sexual assaults across Europe by Muslim men and the BBC will report it ony when it can’t avoid doing so, and even then it does all it can to play down the significance of this…apparently rape, sexual assault, robbery and abuse are a lesser concern than the audience getting a completely false protrayal of what is happening to European societies in order … Continue reading