Weekend open thread

  Pillage and rape across Europe…the Guardian thinks this is ‘Christmas come early for xenophobes’ as if the crimes do not matter, whilst Peter Allen on the BBC wondered if it wasn’t just a case of bored young men full of energy….no doubt an energy that they have been prevented from using productively and positively by discrimination and racism. Oh, and it’s all the police’s fault not the criminals themselves. … Continue reading

Corbyn and the BBC…Terrorist narrative sympathisers?

  Well so much for the new, inclusive, respectful of all views politics.  If you don’t all parrot Corbyn you’re out…unless you’re too big to sack in an obvious fit of pique.  Hilary Benn is no doubt on notice. Two things about the BBC coverage…two very important and significant things.   One….where is any mention of Emily Thornberry, the new shadow secretary for defence, taking money from ‘thieving, ambulance chasing … Continue reading

Never in a month of sundays

  The climate change lobby was pretty insistent that the ‘Pause’ was non-existent or if there was any such pause it could only be taken as statistically significant if it was over at least 15 years…..however, one month of rain and apparently that is a sign that climate change is upon us again…..not only that but it doesn’t have to be global or even national…if it rains a lot into … Continue reading

So Cosmopolitan

        There were massed attacks on women across Germany by groups of men of ‘north African or Arab appearance’…the BBC reports this and the appearance of the attackers and yet…and yet the BBC plays down that identity and the fact that they are almost certainly migrants.  The BBC seems a little too eager to tell us that some of the sites of the attacks were well known … Continue reading

Those UKIP Extremists bringing violence and division to our streets

      Love listening to Planet BBC, it is another world. The 1400 year war between the Sunni and Shia?  The BBC asks will it become the 30 year war of our time on the Today programme (o8:50). And apparently this  1400 year old war between two religious sects is not a religious war merely a ‘sectarian’ war….a 1400 year old war that started…guess when….in 2003 with the Iraq … Continue reading

Those fascist Swedes

    Have you noticed the difference between how the BBC reports that the Swedes have started to control migration and the alarmed rhetoric we got when ‘Right-wing’ Hungary did the same? No claims of fascism or Nazism or racism as levelled at the Hungarians….in fact the Swedish story has vanished off the BBC pages to be replaced by one about Denmark reacting to the Swedish actions. The BBC isn’t … Continue reading

BBC History….’simply bunk’.

  The BBC narrative on events in the Middle East has always been that Britain, and actions Britain has taken over the last century, have been to blame for events today….this narrative takes on more urgency for the BBC as the refugees flee the Middle East and head for Europe…the BBC needs to pin the blame for the war in Syria on Britain in order to induce guilt about the … Continue reading

Aylan? Alien? Alan?

Alan Kurdi’s aunt: ‘My dead nephew’s picture saved thousands of lives’   Why do BBC journalists insist on changing the name of Aylan Kurdi to Alan Kurdi?  Are they trying desperately to make the name more familiar, less ‘alien’ to Brits so that we feel more empathy for the boy?  Does the BBC really think nobody feels any empathy and that they have to manipulate us by disrespecting and exploiting … Continue reading

Ramadi Remedy

  The Iraqi army retook Ramadi and is in the process of finishing off the ISIS die-hards whom you may think have not a chance in hell of winning Ramadi back…..unless you listen to the BBC which downplays the hard-won victory and sees only more war, destruction and of course refugees coming out of more such attacks on ISIS positions.  The BBC’s reports following the main battle seemed solely concerned … Continue reading