
    ‘This is a BBC — a Corporation worth defending, in my view, despite this ridiculous show-trial I have been through — that exists to be frank and fearless, to stand up to dictatorial forces, to divert and entertain while at the same time standing apart from Whitehall. Using such a heavy steamroller to crush the life out of my no-doubt imperfect but innocent little programme is the behaviour … Continue reading

Not What You Know But What Line You Toe

  I heard Humphrys trailing an interview with Naomi Klein (08:23) in regard to climate change this morning.  Is it not a paradox that someone who isn’t a scientist, who isn’t really interested in climate change other than as a vehicle to further her rabid anti-capitalism, anti-western, anti-big business narrative, that she gets given a platform on the Today programme to peddle her guff when even scientists with the slightest … Continue reading

Door Step Challenge

      The BBC, as usual, is more concerned about ‘worried Muslims’ living in fear of a supposed massive and violent backlash each time members of their religion slaughter innocent Kafirs in the name of that religion. The BBC is entirely unconcerned that the entire non-Muslim population lives in fear, not of mostly cat calls or internet abuse, but of being bombed, machine gunned or beheaded….they are being terrorised … Continue reading

Begging bowls, blackmail and blame

The survival of Kiribati depends on the next few hours.  Slavery, apartheid, now let’s do something about climate change.   The seas are rising, the rich West is to blame…they must pay trillions to the impoverished island nations, Africa and anyone else who can make enough noise shroud waving to claim a cut of the loot. Sarah Montague was interviewing (08:38) Anote Tong, president of Kiribati, this morning.  I say … Continue reading

World Famous Muslim Boxer Makes Racist Comments And Becomes Cultural Icon

  Incredible from a supposed news organisation that there is absolutely no attempt to investigate the serious issues raised by Trump, instead they fill the airwaves with posturing politicians, community leaders and actors competing loudly to see who can condemn Trump or Fury in the most ‘sincere’ and eye-catching way possible.  This isn’t news it’s a public lynching by the BBC et al. You’ve gotta laugh…Muhammed Ali as the voice … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s unedifying prospect from Bath. On the panel are Conservative MP and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Greg Clark, Caroline Flint Labour MP, Quentin Letts from the Daily Mail, classicist and broadcaster Mary Beard and pensioner and Lib Dem voter Vince Cable. So that’s two actual MPs this week.

Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.35

Chat here

Register here if necessary.

Why does America import its suicide bombers, while we produce our own?

  Is Trump right about importing Islam to the US?………Is there a Muslim agenda?…….. Islam in the US is a numbers game….the more Muslims the more the US mindset will change to favour Islam…so says Tariq Ramadan…. ‘What is important in our number, our number as Muslims, is not that we are converting people. It’s by having an important number… the more committed Muslims we have, the more witnesses we … Continue reading

People Power

    Climate alarmists always like to claim that there is a link between CO2 and global warming because of the apparent coincidence of corresponding trends, never mind that even the CRU’s Phil Jones admitted that CO2 production lagged the warmth by 800 years. But what else is there that has a similar corresponding pathway?  Population. Here’s global warming….. And here’s population growth…..     Very similar trajectories and time … Continue reading

Is Roger Harrabin Completely Untrustworthy?

    It is astonishing but there seems to be hardly a word that Harrabin writes or says that can be relied upon to be the whole and honest truth.  He is just relentless in his half-truths and outright lies. Here he condemns the government…. roger harrabin ‏@RHarrabin 3 hrs3 hours ago   As UK plays leading role at #COP21, govt slaps extra VAT on #renewables. On top of previous … Continue reading

Small World

    It’s a very small world for Roger Harrabin who seems only concerned with a very narrow world view happily ignoring all else going on especially if it doesn’t fit his own narrative. Once again he obsesses about the UK decision to shelve carbon capture….a great pity for all those in the carbon capture industry who were looking forward to the mega cash-flow filling their bank balances….always odd how … Continue reading