I was talking to Jon Gaunt earlier today about the intolerance of the political Left. Nowhere is this more concentrated than in the citadels of the media, with the BBC being the Sanctum Sanctorum. With cultural marxism providing the linguistic narrative, it was obvious that the BBC would be horrified by Trumps ‘No Muslims” comment. How DARE he have an opinion they don’t like? The BBC are such hypocrites. They … Continue reading


For years the BBC has shoved down the cultural wonders of Romany Culture down our throats and along comes Tyson Fury, spouting his own “Romany values” and the BBC becomes apoplectic with rage! You have to laugh at it all. I really hope he wins SPOFTY just to hear his victory speech. Mind you, some BBC journalists won’t be happy… A BBC Northern Ireland journalist has been “threatened with suspension” … Continue reading


Biased BBC reader Harristotle observes: “The Islamic State are muslims following Islam. They live in muslim lands and are angry at non-muslim occupation of muslim lands (amongst other things, including other muslims from a different faction of Islam). They live by the Koran, under Sharia Law, and have muslim scholars in their ranks.  However, the BBC will happily continue to refer to them as “so-called”, and many commentators, including some … Continue reading

Trump or Islam

    Is writer Sathnam Sanghera describing Trump or Islam? Sathnam Sanghera ‏@Sathnam Dec 7 “Donald Trump has tapped into something” according to @BBCr4today. Yeah: racism and fascism and mass stupidity. #notcomplicated    

Holier than thou

  Who said it: Donald Trump or Adolf Hitler?   Dan Hodges has joined the ‘outraged’ band wagon rallying against Trump…Donald Trump is an outright fascist who should be banned from Britain today The trouble is, as with so many, Hodges is a hypocrite…ready to call Islam a problem but also ready to call anyone who calls Islam a problem a racist.  We’ve noted this aspect of Hodges’ personality on … Continue reading


  Some philosophy for you to ponder…. If a person openly subscribes to a particular ideology but refrains from openly stating his or her beliefs that arise from that ideology, beliefs that are abhorrent to the society they live in, is that person ‘acceptable’ as long as they stay silent when, in comparison, someone who voices their beliefs is vilified and demonised?   Tyson Fury is a born again Christian, … Continue reading

Trump ‘Race’ Card?

    Lots of pious, sanctimonious harrumphing about Trump’s call to stop Muslim immigration to the US….temporarily.  Cameron is the classic craven, opportunistic politician who fawns over the Muslim voters with his ‘I’m voting for Nadiya‘, his PR praise for ‘You ain’t no Muslim bruv’, and now his attack on Trump, and yet dares not criticise Islam or raise questions about problems Islam brings to The West….he ducks the issue … Continue reading

Science? Reporting? Rubbish?

    One minute Roger claims the UK is the bad guy in the climate change farce…. COP21: UK under fire on climate policy Allegations of hypocrisy will be levelled at the UK when the Climate Secretary Amber Rudd appears at the Paris climate summit on Monday. Environmentalists say the UK government is talking impressively on climate change to its international audience, but down-grading energy policy at home. Craig Bennett … Continue reading