The stench of corruption at the heart of the BBC

    The BBC was once supposedly a fine, respected news organisation, a public body that attempted to maintain the highest standards of impartiality, balance and accuracy.  All that, even the pretence of all that, has gone out of the window in these days of relativity when one man’s terrorist is the BBC’s freedom fighter and the insidious corrupting effect of political correctness, which is anything but, being more about … Continue reading

Married Couples angry at being profiled

    The BBC is still blithely ignoring the terrorism angle as much as possible when reporting the killings in San Bernardino….apparently the significant fact is that the massacre was by a ‘husband and wife’….. Officials say a husband and wife shot dead 14 people and wounded 21 in the city of San Bernardino. The Married Couples of Britain lobby group are complaining of marriagephobia and the profiling of married … Continue reading


    Kevin Connolly’s professional instincts are clearly in conflict with his BBC indoctrination……here is an entirely misleading heading that might give the impression that the British vote to bomb IS in Syria was thought a bad thing…. Mid-East sceptical on UK role in Syria war   However if you read the body of the report it is almost entirely positive about the prospect…and ends with this…. And that sums … Continue reading

Sea change but do we see change?

          Matthew Price ‏@BBCMatthewPrice Nov 30 The Village that has No Future – the view from the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu during #COP21   The BBC has been banging the drum loud and often for the climate change lobby for the Paris conference bringing us endless tales of impending disaster caused by climate change…man-made climate change of course. The BBC’s Matthew Price is just one … Continue reading

Christians persecuted by….?

  The BBC makes a lot of noise about Muslims being victims of ‘Islamophobia’, most such ‘attacks’ actually being online, will the BBC be making as much noise about a far worse persecution…the ethnic cleansing of Christians…by Muslims…this being the BBC that not long ago told us that Christians were thriving in the Middle East and enjoying life to the full in Gaza?…. From Breitbart: EuroParliament Prez: Christians ‘Not Safe … Continue reading

Muslims shoot up Christmas party

    Muslims shoot people at Christmas party….motive?  Unknown. I like the BBC’s reaction to the killing of 14 people in San Bernardino…..of course the BBC makes very limited to no mention of the religion of the killers….however the BBC does have an angle on this….San Bernardino: What makes this shooting different? The BBC were naturally hoping this would be a white supremacist killing spree and are happy, on finding … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby hosts this weeks top-secret session from somewhere in deepest, darkest Birmingham. On the panel: who knows? No information is available on the BBC website The venue? not to be revealed until 2 minutes before recording starts. Maybe they are all secret agents under cover. The suspense is killing me. Anyway, I’m sure it will be thrilling as ever.

Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.35

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