Weather, climate or pure lies

Skeptical Climate Documentary Set to Rock UN Climate Summit – ‘Climate Hustle’ To Have Red Carpet Premiere in Paris   The BBC is blitzing us with unadulterated pro-man-made climate change propaganda with green activists allowed free rein on the airwaves to say the most outrageous things….then repeated with sincere, uncritical approval by the BBC presenters. What we are being told is that CO2 is the cause of global warming…..em…except where’s … Continue reading

The politics of being non-political

    Lord Hall makes a big play of the BBC being non-political and a lot of noise about interference from politicians….which is all nonsense when you think about it. The BBC is in essence a creation of the politicians set up to use soft power to control the unruly unwashed.  The BBC though oversteps its political masters’ boundaries and tries not only to influence how we, the Public, think … Continue reading

Lean and Green

  Remember when the Telegraph was castigated for allegedly downplaying stories about HSBC as HSBC was a major advertiser at the paper?  The BBC went all out on the story as it involved the Tories as well and was in the long run up to the election. Wonder if they will do much digging over this story from Bishop Hill?… ‘Some years back I was discussing the state of environmental … Continue reading

BBC climate lies

  The BBC tells us… ‘A combination of a strong El Nino and human-induced global warming made the five-year period from 2011 to 2015 the warmest on record, researchers say.’ Hmmm….yes but isn’t the global warming still on pause?   2010 was another warming El Nino…so why cherry pick from 2011 and not mention that?  The global temperature has stayed pretty much the same in the period quoted, and longer, it … Continue reading

Love Islam Or Shut Up

  Bagley in the comments brought us the latest bit of ‘race’ baiting from BBC Trending, something that the BBC specialises in, generating anger, dissent and conflict where it can with tales of the White man’s evil ways or of the treachery of ex-Muslims and ‘native informants’ in criticising their own community. Craig at Is the BBC biased?….LOL…has helpfully transcribed much of the interview and I have pulled the BBC … Continue reading

Saudi Arabian Delights

  You can’t know whether to laugh or cry at the BBC’s tricks and desperate attempts to make us love Islam. The latest is a rather sinister attempt to brainwash our children with a new version of the Arabian Nights…Jamillah and Aladdin..starting tonight on CBBC. I noted the programme in the Sunday Times TV review.  I was going to ignore it though I suspected it was a programme with a … Continue reading

Brave new world ushered in by the BBC

  The future’s bright…. A leaked document by German intelligence chiefs warned that fully integrating hundreds of thousands of what it termed ‘illegal migrants’ will be ‘impossible’. It added: ‘We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law.’ The document, published in the heavyweight Die Welt newspaper, added: ‘Intelligence agencies cannot cope with these problems, … Continue reading

Fixing the narrative

    The BBC has always been against ‘austerity’ and spending cuts and things haven’t changed as in the week before Osborne’s Autumn Statement the BBC ran a spoiler clearly intended to put the case for spend, spend, spend. Wake Up To Money invited on a guest a day to give us their verdict on spending cuts….not one thought they were a good idea. Vince Cable tells us the government’s … Continue reading