Got to love the way the BBC lobbies for “change” on the basis there must be no change. Licence fee payers should be given a vote on any attempt by ministers to cut the BBC down to size, the corporation’s director-general will say today. Oh really? Gosh, that’s a very brave thing to say. Except…. In a speech to business leaders, Lord Hall will propose any major changes to the broadcaster must be approved … Continue reading

The Islamist ‘Not Wanted’ poster

Maajid Nawaz  You couldn’t make this shit up. Friday 13th nightmare, as all-male Islamist Rogues’ Gallery gathers in Bedford, UK. Maajid Nawaz Every single one of these speakers is a Caliphate-advocating Islamist, they believe in every core principle ISIS believes in, and they reject ISIS merely because they made their move for a Caliphate ‘too soon & too fast’.       If you have the time and energy…..   … Continue reading

What’s the real problem….mass murdering Islamist terrorists or ‘Islamophobes’?

    One hundred and twenty nine people slaughtered by Muslims in Paris and nearly 400 injured and the BBC thinks the real  problem is a few ‘Islamophobes’ who daub grafitti on Mosques.  The terrorists are the real victims here. Spot the different tone and narrative of these two contrasting BBC reports… Paris attacks turn spotlight on Saint Denis banlieue   Paris attacks: Mosques attacked in US and Canada   … Continue reading

How to defeat Islamic supremacism….more Islam

“Al-Islam will prevail over all other ways of life. Look at how [the] Muslim population is increasing in the UK.”  Deputy Head of Carlton Bolling school in Bradford, Akhmed Hussain   How do you deal with Islamic supremacism?  You import millions of Muslim migrants and allow Islamic values and laws to flourish. It is here already in the UK: ‘I could never have imagined, nine years on, that the Taliban … Continue reading

Shrouded in fear     The BBC’s Graham Satchell is overcome with emotion for the victims of  the Paris terror attacks……   I might have had some respect for that if he didn’t work for an organisation that within hours of the Paris attack was trying to excuse the killers’ actions and blame them upon French society itself, and has subsequently kept up a relentless narrative of Muslim victims driven to … Continue reading


The Labour Party may be totally ineffective against the Conservatives but it still has assets and none greater than the Junior Doctors in the NHS. The BBC has gleefully been pushing their narrative that the “evil” Jeremy Hunt is slashing their wages and making things dangerous to patients. As you will know, the reverse is true. Junior Doctors are in the top 10% of earners in the UL, they have … Continue reading


You MIGHT have thought that when a senior Labour figure who aspires to be Chancellor of the Exchequer signs up to an agenda calling for MI5 to be disbanded and the Police disarmed, it might merit some serious time on the main BBC news. Forget it. John McDonnell has been caught again – in quite spectacular fashion and yet apart from the Daily Politics, the main BBC news deems this … Continue reading


Ok – the weekend beckons and time for a new one of these Open Threads for you to complete. I wrote something very similar one week ago and then watched the horrific events unfold in Paris. One week on, the BBC have reverted to the hateful but predictable mantra that Islam is the victim and that we can only defeat it by ..doing nothing. Anyway, the floor is yours….


Man dies in male prison. Sad to hear, suicide always is, but the BBC chooses this headline for another reason. A transgender woman who told her friends she would kill herself if she was sent to a male prison has been found dead in jail. Vicky Thompson, 21, was being held at Armley, Leeds, where she was pronounced dead on Friday. Friends of Thompson, who was born male but had identified as … Continue reading