Well then. looks like “Jihadi John” aka Mohammad Emwazi, has been evaporated. Naturally, Jeremy Corbyn has expressed his deep unhappiness at this event, wishing instead that the decapitating thug had been “arrested”. It will be interesting to see how the BBC tackles this but given their opposition to us doing ANYTHING against Islamic State, we can expect them lining up behind Corbyn’s specious tripe.

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby hosts tonight from Stoke-on-Trent. The panellists are Ukip deputy leader Paul Nuttall MEP, Conservative business secretary Sajid Javid MP, writer Paris Lees, managing editor of The Sun Stig Abell and Labour no-hoper Lucy Powell MP providing some aesthetic improvement to the general look of the panel, but not much else .

Kick off tonight (Thursday) at 22.35

Chat here

Register here if necessary.

Black Cops execute, assassinate, white boy

  Remarkable lack of outrage from the BBC for this story in comparison to its hyperbolic reporting of white cops killing blacks in the US… mention whatsoever of race in these two reports…. Louisiana marshals face murder charge over boy’s gun death   Jeremy Mardis: Driver’s hands ‘were up’ when boy killed   An unarmed white man with his hands up and his 6 year old son were shot, the … Continue reading

The whole truth and nothing but the truth?

    Here’s one view (Harrabin’s) of the BBC’s climate reporting…. “We should confidently take these debates forward, with a modern, accurate sense of impartiality in mind. This will help us to follow the BBC Trust’s goal of engaging people as citizens as well as audiences, and it will maximise the BBC’s unique contribution to an informed democracy.”  LOL Here’s  another view of the BBC’s climate coverage…from an insider… ‘Following … Continue reading

‘Homeland’…or would you prefer an ‘Islamic State’?

If you have ever watched the American spook series ‘Homeland’ you may be surprised by the following narratives about the series. What these narratives illustrate is how the Islamists and their allies hijack ‘innocent’ events and twist them to create anti-Western propaganda that is all too readily picked up by the intended audience and then acted upon.  The first example shows how ready the BBC is to accept that twisted … Continue reading


BBC has delighted in telling us that our more enlightened politicians effectively removed the death penalty from the UK statute book 50 years ago today. I listened to an item on BBC Radio 4 earlier which was ENTIRELY one sided, giving the impression that everyone supported this decision 50 years ago. The BBC remains MUTE on the fact that for subsequent decades, the majority of people in the UK favoured … Continue reading