The Guilty Men

“This is just how Arab men are,” the female social worker told F, according to Attar. Then she advised Attar, “Don’t ever get married.”       Laughed when I saw this BBC accusation…. ‘Turn a blind eye’ In an interview with the BBC, Mr Hammond also said the UK needed to show more of a “duty of care” to vulnerable people at risk of being radicalised by extremists. Asked … Continue reading


I listened to the BBC Today programme this morning run this item. “The British government believes there is a significant possibility it was a bomb that brought down the Russian plane flying out of Egypt on Saturday and many thousands of British people – perhaps 20,000 – are stranded in Sharm el-Sheikh. Lyse Doucet is our chief international correspondent in Cairo; we also hear from ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, spokesperson for … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby hosts topical debate from Tottenham, London. Panellists include Conservative international development secretary Justine Greening, Labour’s Chuka Umunna, the Green Party’s Jenny Jones, Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens and writer and broadcaster Victoria Coren Mitchell.
Kick off Tonight at 22.35.

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A few days ago, the Northern Ireland Assembly voted down  “Gay Marriage” legislation for the FOURTH TIME.  Clearly this does not meet with the approval of the BBC and guess what… Almost two thirds of people in Northern Ireland would feel comfortable if a family member had a same-sex marriage, a new survey suggests. About 2,000 people in both NI and the Republic of Ireland were interviewed about issues from national … Continue reading


The BBC is to the fore in the feminazi war on men. Consider this item ran on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme… Bonuses of City executives should be linked to targets for the number of senior women appointed at a firm, a review of women in finance, commissioned by the government, will say today. Jayne-Anne Gadhia is chief executive officer of Virgin Money A more blatant form of discrimination … Continue reading


The thing about Jeremy Bowen is his dogged determination to ensure that the Jews are always to blame for the Palestinians killing them.  Here Jeremy asks the loaded question “Did Rabin assassination kill the best chance for peace?” He could, of course, ask the better question “Did Arafat’s survival kill the best chance of peace” but then again that might be a tad risky to the BBC narrative which, is … Continue reading


May I commend this excellent insight into BBC bias and in particular how it bigs up the loathsome man-hating Labour MP Jess Phillips?  This is on the thoroughly recommended HE Equality blog. “At HEqual we’ve followed the story of Jess Phillips’ opposition to International Men’s Day very closely and a number of her most notorious tweets are actually replies to us. For those who dont’ know about this story, Jess … Continue reading


This is a really interesting insight into the warped world of BBC bias.. “Watching BBC3’s Britain’s Biggest Sexists? tonight it’s clear this tax-payer funded propaganda machine has hatred written into its DNA. There is one thing it hates above all others: The white, British male. And if said WBM votes UKIP (or Tory) then they really don’t deserve to call planet earth their home, right BBC? That Britain’s Biggest Sexists? was always going to … Continue reading

‘A madcap coalition of trots, Islamists and anti-west fury chimps’

    Ex-transport minister, Labour MP Tom Harris, threatens to quit party as Corbynistas say they will consult the BBC on which policies to adopt on Syria…. Harris says … In a Facebook post, Mr Harris said: “Shadow Minister Catherine West says she’ll consult the BBC in the event of a vote on military action in Syria. Jesus. Where to start? “So anyway, after 60 per cent votes for sure … Continue reading