The Carneyval’s In Town

  In relation to the last post that casts doubt on the Governor of the Bank of England’s impartiality, and the BBC’s of course, Fraser Nelson in the Spectator has come to the same conclusion….UK success comes from free trade and a flexible economic and financial system….neither requiring membership of the EU…the US coming to agreement with the EU on a free trade deal whilst remarkably not being a member … Continue reading

Very Europey Claims

Carney urges EU fiscal sovereignty Bank of England governor Mark Carney has urged the eurozone to follow the example of the Union joining together the nations of the UK by making a “bold” move towards shared tax and spending arrangements. He accused the 19-nation bloc of being “relatively timid” in some of the reforms needed to drag it out of stagnation and urged it to embrace “mechanisms to share fiscal … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Grimsby. Panellists are leader of UKIP Nigel Farage, Conservative MP for Stratford on Avon Nadhim Zahawim, Labour former home secretary Alan Johnson, writer and general ratbag Germaine Greer, Michelle Dewberry who apparently won ‘The Apprentice’ at some point in time. Who knew, so three actual politicians tonight, if you include Alan Johnson.

Kick off Thursday at 22.35.

Chat here

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Known by who your friends are

Nothing is too bonkers to be unthinkable these days. Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t know when to stop digging….why would he possibly think a man like Shameless Milne, the Guardian troll, could bring the slightest bit of respect and credibility to his regime? Harry’s Place tells us… Jeremy Corbyn’s hapless PR has been noted. I don’t think it’s the real problem – the man is the nightmare, not his messaging. But PR … Continue reading

Educating Tristram

  The BBC’s director of news, James Harding, has said there will be an extensive programme of training to educate BBC employees on how to report on issues surrounding the EU referendum impartially.  Can’t imagine why he would think this was at all necessary. Every BBC journalist will be sent on a compulsory training course about the European Union, as part of the corporation’s attempts to ensure that its coverage … Continue reading

Floating Voters?

  During the war there were so many American aircraft based on British soil that Britain was often referred to as America’s aircraft carrier.  The BBC seems to think that just like an aircraft carrier we can up anchor and sail away from Europe, presumably to somewhere nice and sunny.  Nigel Farage thinks the BBC’s strange concept of the British Isles is a plot to jerrymander the EU referendum…. BBC … Continue reading

Herr Majesty

  Bizarre BBC reporting on Chinese leader’s visit to London…. From the Mail….. TV star Kirstie Allsopp today accused the BBC’s royal correspondent of ‘loathing’ the royal family after he compared the Queen with the Chinese President. The Location, Location, Location presenter, 44, turned on Peter Hunt after he described how ‘one party state’ leader Xi Jinping was staying in ‘the palace home of an unelected monarch’ while in London. Describing … Continue reading

Cause and effect

    Germany’s traditionally pro-Israeli stance has been shifting, particularly since the 2014 Gaza campaign. A growth in Germany’s Muslim population, not least through the acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees, may also have an effect, long term.   What is the cause of the violent and often murderous attacks on Jews in Israel and the West Bank at the moment? Mark Urban tells us… Isn’t the new Palestinian … Continue reading

‘I could murder a Ukrainian!’

  Just what is it that makes a Brit fight for Putin’s blitz on Ukraine? Apparently it is zero hours contracts in Britain that drive the recruiting process…oh, that, Western aggression and the rise of the Far Right in Ukraine. Ukraine conflict: The Brits fighting with pro-Russian rebels His Manchester accent is unmistakable. His yearning for British food is too, as he declares that he “could murder a steak”. So … Continue reading