Championing TV

    John Whittingdale has made a speech about the BBC…He ends with this positive note… Finally, I want to say something very simple. The UK television industry is celebrated and loved across the world. It provides a huge number of jobs and generates massive economic activity. It informs and entertains. The years ahead promise to be tremendously exciting for the industry. I see it as a huge privilege to … Continue reading

‘The Assassination Of Keir Hardie ‘ By Hilary Mantel

  Hilary Mantel is infamous for her self-gratifying fantasy that expressed her deeply felt desire to kill Keir Hardie, a man for whom she still feels a ‘boiling detestation’…even more infamous is that the BBC felt the need to broadcast the short story…‘In Hilary Mantel’s mischievous story a knock at the door announces an unexpected visitor who has plans to alter the course of history as we know it. Harriet … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

Yes it’s that time again, the horror is back on our screens.

David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Wembley, with are Conservative environment secretary Elizabeth Truss MP, Labour shadow chancellor John McDonnell MP, irrelevant clown Alex Salmond MP, alleged comedian / presenter Sandi Toksvig and journalist / Cameronian stooge Tim Stanley.

Kick off Thursday at 22.35

Chat here

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‘Random Made Up Bollocks’….No Not BBC News…This Time

  The BBC has been plugging its new film ‘The Gamechangers’ recently but the subject of that film, Rockstar Games, isn’t happy…   Rockstar Games Verified account ‏@RockstarGames @BBC Was Basil Brush busy? What exactly is this random, made up bollocks? — Rockstar Games (@RockstarGames) September 15, 2015 Rockstar also filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against the BBC, as reported in May, after saying that no-one at the gaming firm … Continue reading

Heard The One About….

    Despite this coming out of a BBC Today programme interview have you heard the BBC giving it much airtime?…normally such a statement, were it pro-staying in the EU and scaremongering about leaving, would be quoted all day on the news…either I missed the endless reports or they didn’t bother…for some reason….from the Telegraph.. Ignore the scaremongers, manufacturing powerhouse Vauxhall says it would be fine outside the EU Boss … Continue reading

British Being Ethnically Cleansed To Make Room For Refugees…says Guardian

  Listening to the BBC ‘report’ on the ever-growing migrant pressure on EU borders and you’d think that Hungary alone  was the ‘villain’ of the piece as the BBC blitzes Hungary and pours scorn and contempt upon it whilst at the same time downplaying problems and policy changes in heroic Germany.  The BBC for some reason seems to believe Hungary doesn’t have a right to impose border controls and the … Continue reading

Channelling Hitler

  If you want to control immigration and believe that mass immigration is going to be highly disruptive and de-stabilise countries then that’s because you are a little Hitler, a little bit Fascist, a little bit Nazi.  That’s the lesson we must learn today as the BBC lectures us on our failings as humane beings. The BBC, already almost extremist in its proselytising for immigration, has, in desperation as the … Continue reading

What could possibly go wrong?

  A little reminder to the BBC and we do like to bring a little joy to the world…   “I would like to pay tribute to the contribution you and your company make to the prosperity of Britain. During its one hundred and fifty year history, Lehman Brothers has always been an innovator, financing new ideas and inventions before many others even began to realise their potential. And it … Continue reading