Bragging Rights

    Labour’s Lord Bragg, Melvyn to you and me, has BBC Chair, Rona Fairhead, in his sights.  He states that “There are a couple of people on the board perfectly capable of taking over and she is a busted flush.  Grandees [no less] in arts and broadcasting have told me so.” The reason Farihead is a ‘busted flush’ in Bragg’s opinion?  Fairhead failed to challenge the government in July … Continue reading


  Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski has criticised a Newsnight report on the war in Yemen, or rather it reports on the role Saudi Arabia plays in that war and the supply of arms to Saudi Arabia by the UK……never mind that the airstrikes by the Saudi led coalition are backed by the UN…the BBC implication is that Saudi is deliberately bombing civilians and that the UK is complicit in this … Continue reading

Careful what you wish for

    Damien Thompson in the Spectator thinks that the champagne socialists at the BBC and the Guardian may be in fo a bit for a shock as their dreams come true… The groans that must be coming from the newsrooms of the Guardian and the BBC right now! With a descant of coloratura shrieks from right-on luvvies. And, needless to say, vigorous hand-wringing – they’ll be sending out for Band-Aids … Continue reading

Hutton Who?

‘Information is power. It is the route to hearts and minds. Information frames what we do, how we think and vote. It is fundamental to the operation of our societies and our lives. All leaders, in the public or private sector, know that any influence they have over information is crucial to their leadership, even to their hold on power. The media – the means of information transmission – are … Continue reading

The ‘Leftwing’ Corbyn

    Curious how the BBC so often only refers to Corbyn as ‘leftwing’ in its news reports [Despite knowing Corbyn was firmly on the side of the quasi-Marxist hard left.]  when those of similar strength of convictions on the Right are ‘Far Right’ and Farage is constantly alluded to as someone not unlike a Nazi…even today on Dead Ringers he was slandered as a racist xenophobe for his opinions on … Continue reading

Are you marching in solidarity with refugees?

    Kuwait and the other Gulf Cooperation Council countries are too valuable to accept any refugees. In the end it is not right for us to accept a people that are different from us. We don’t want people that suffer from internal stress and trauma in our country.’ Fahad Alshalami, Kuwaiti official, explaining why the gulf countries aren’t taking Syrian refugees Via Douglas Murray   DB has spotted a … Continue reading

BBC Journalists…FYI

  I have frequently heard guests on BBC programmes, and indeed BBC presenters, say that the UK is responsible for what happened in LIbya, that Britain initiated the war and is therefore responsible for the outcome and the resultant flow of migrants launching themselves from the coast of Libya. However, just as the war in Syria has no link to the UK the war in Libya was not the responsibility … Continue reading