
It seems we are being fed a line on the migration crisis and people are happy to look the other way and accept whatever is said if it makes the migrants tales more harrowing and piles on the ‘guilt’ that puts pressure on politicians to open the borders.   The Today programme had a tale of terror from Kobane in Syria telling us of the dreadful dangers that the inhabitants still … Continue reading


Well, the emotional blackmail from the BBC (along with others) has worked and we can now look forward to thousands of Syrians enriching our country. You have to hand it to the BBC, they use the power of their broadcasting monopoly to undermine our country at every opportunity! Anyway here’s a new open thread.

Back To The Future

        Boris Johnson counters Dan Hodges’ judgement of history with a bit of historical perspective…… ‘Mass migration brought down the Roman Empire’? Boris Johnson has reacted to the image of Aylan Kurdi and described it as a “very, very shocking image”, writes Henry Samuel in Calais. “It’s very difficult; we have to address the problem at the source and stop people coming like this, but certainly if … Continue reading

“Germany, Germany.”

  The Telegraph reports an example of those ‘desperate’ migrants….refusing to go to a refugee camp…..no longer ‘refugees’ then?…what is it they want, was it safety or a new life in Europe?….Maybe the BBC can answer as they report the migrants chanting “Germany, Germany.”   EU migration crisis: Hungary refugees trying to reach Austria refuse to be taken to camp and forced off train – latest The train, which left … Continue reading

History Will Judge [Though of course Tony Livesey & Co already have]

  It’s all about the posturing, refugee one-upmanship……   Dan Hodges retweeted Peter Dominiczak ‏@peterdominiczak 2 hrs2 hours ago Peter Dominiczak retweeted Michael Deacon Disastrous comment… Peter Dominiczak added, Michael Deacon @MichaelPDeacon Andy Burnham, asked about Yvette Cooper’s call for Britain to take refugees: “I called the day before for Britain to take our fair share” 19 retweets 7 favourites Dan hodges does his own bit of posturing with this … Continue reading

In Need?

  A young child drowns as his parents force him into a tiny boat to go from Turkey to Europe and it turns over not long into the trip throwing all into the sea.  The boy, his brother and many of the adults drown. Those who are demanding the borders be opened wide to immigrants are delighted, who can doubt that this is what they have longed for, a tragedy … Continue reading

A Tangled Web

    One Webb reveals the truth, the other Web stays schtum. Nissan has decided to invest £100 million in its Sunderland plant, along with other previous investments, thus, as Justin Webb pointed out in an interview in the Today programme, spiking the guns of the pro-Europe bunch who tell us that no company will invest in the UK if there is a prospect of us leaving the EU as … Continue reading


BBC in full blown “accept unlimited immigration” mode, exploiting the situation across Europe for all it is worth. A reader has pointed out that here the BBC seeks to compare those who properly seek to identify illegal immigrants with Nazis! As each day progresses, the BBC are playing loose and easy with the terms “refugees” “asylum seekers” and “migrants”. The suggestion is that the swarm is virtually 100% asylum seekers but … Continue reading