Bring Back Colonialism

      A couple of facts that the BBC doesn’t trumpet in its tidal wave of ‘sympathetic’ coverage about migrants, in fact it seems to hide that truth under a flurry of untruths about ‘refugees’ whilst shroudwaving about the perilous journeys migrants are ‘forced’ to make. We keep being told that the UK isn’t doing anything to help Syrian refugees and that we should allow in many more, number … Continue reading

Lord And Lady Moat

    Curious how fast the BBC latched onto the story about Tory ‘Lord Moat’, Douglas Hogg.  This is the same BBC that stubbornly resisted the tidal wave of censure for Jeremy Corbyn due to his close links to those very dubious friends and honoured citizens.  It was only when the coverage from those other sources became embarrassingly widespread and relentless that the BBC realised it couldn’t sit this out … Continue reading

Guardians Of Our Morality

    Should you ever feel that your sense of moral self was being eroded by the distractions and temptations of everyday life the new priesthood of the BBC, and its acolytes at the Guardian, are here to stiffen the moral fibres and instil a bit of virtuous virtue into you godless, heathen, brutish infidels. You may be morally lacking, backsliding in your duty to the global humanity as you … Continue reading

Necessary Murders

    There was  great rejoicing at BBC Towers yesterday as the bodies of dead migrants were removed from the back of a lorry in Austria.  The timing was exquisite, perfection…what better example could there be to illustrate the start of the BBC’s two day exploration of the perilous journeys that desperate migrants take to break into Europe?…and to top that yet more migrants were found to have died on … Continue reading

Not Us Guv

  The BBC’s total lack of self-awareness is always amusing as it always manages to de-link itself from any reports it makes on ‘The Media’…the BBC not including itself as part of ‘The Media’ when it suits. Today it asks: Did French media put lives at risk? How far can broadcast journalists go in live coverage of terrorist incidents when their reports might influence the course of events or even … Continue reading

Net Foreign Migration Is 379,000

    Remember the sneers and gloating from various parties when the first planes and buses from Bulgaria and Romania didn’t bring in swarms of migrants in a first mad rush?  Seems they were wrong…as most people knew they were…and Migration Watch, which predictied a probable 50,000 immigrants a year from these two countries was spot on, as always… 53,000 Romanian and Bulgarian (EU2) citizens immigrated to the UK in … Continue reading

What’s a Boy To Do?!!

  Once upon-a-time, we are assured, there was a young lad in Spain, of Moroccan descent, hardworking, nice, never violent and never spoke of politics. He travelled to France to work but having found a job was ‘let go’ after two months.  All alone and jobless in a strange foreign country what’s a boy to do? Apparently what you do is get yourself an assault rifle, a pistol, a knife … Continue reading

Bryce Williams…Terrorist?

    “As for Dylann Roof? You —-! You want a race war —-? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE —-!!!”   The BBC is getting into its’s now found an angle to twist the narrative on the killing of two unarmed white TV reporters by a black man….he was angry about the Dylann Roof murder of nine black people in Charleston earlier this year….the BBC now seem to think, … Continue reading

OOOH….That’s Awkward

      Rupert Murdoch Verified account ‏@rupertmurdoch Corbyn increasingly likely Labor winner. Seems only candidate who believes anything, right or wrong. An endorsement of Corbyn by that Australian Devil incarnate, Rupert Murdoch…..Just as he supported New Labour is he now coming out for New Old Labour? An evil mindf**k for the Lefties!