You Can’t Keep A Good Man Down

  The BBC couldn’t resist for long.  There was their ex-economics editor, Paul Mason, announcing the wake for Capitalism in the Guardian ad nauseum and they’d missed out. No matter, one phone call to their old mate and it’s all fixed and up he pops with Dutton and Sarah (1 hour 16 mins) being put on the rack, his feet to the fire and his most cherished illlusions and delusions … Continue reading

A Champion For Global Justice?

  The BBC broadcast a lecture by Katy Long.  Who is Katy Long?  She is an academic whose speciality is immigration and refugees. What the BBC doesn’t tell us is that she is an ardent, if not fanatical, proponent of open borders and the unregulated, totally unrestricted movement of migrants and the destruction of the nation state.  She is also pretty much on the far left economically and is immersed … Continue reading


The fall of Camilla Batmanghelidjh has distressed the BBC and I see they ran the following “news” story earlier today … “Much of the focus of the collapse of charity Kids Company has been on its finances and its(cough) flamboyant founder Camilla Batmanghelidjh – what has increasingly been overlooked is the fate of the people who relied on it. Part of the problem concerning those “helped’ by the Kids Company is precisely … Continue reading


I thought that this was a strange item on the BBC earlier today. “Large supermarkets are becoming a thing of the past – shoppers are increasingly using smaller shops, discount stores, and local retailers. What might those changes mean for our towns? We hear from retail consultant and broadcaster Mary Portas, and Matthew Price reports.” The item sang the praises of the German discount chains, Lidl and Aldi. It also allowed Mary … Continue reading


Great to see the Today programme focusing on issues that really affect our lives! Labour leadership contender Yvette Cooper has called for a “feminist approach to the economy”. It has been a branch of economic thinking for a long time, but what does it mean in practice? Feminist economics shows how the models and methods of traditional economics are biased towards masculine perspectives and masculine topics, said Oxford University’s Prof Jane … Continue reading

Mo Or Less

  The most popular boys name in England and Wales is….Oliver with 6,649 lucky lads so named, whilst Muhammed just squeaks into the top 100 with 7,240 lucky lads with various spelllings of said name as the BBC tells us. The BBC gawd bless ’em, still hiding uncomfortable truths as they see it…. What’s in a name? Born in 2014 6,649  Olivers – most popular boys name 5,327 Amelias – … Continue reading

Propaganda and Sponsorship On The Independent BBC

  From the Mail: BBC screens foreign ‘propaganda’: Corporation accused of breaking broadcast rules by showing programmes that promote charities and governments The BBC has screened ‘propaganda films’ funded by foreign governments in a blatant breach of broadcast rules, an Ofcom investigation found. The broadcaster has shown dozens of programmes designed to promote charities, NGOs and governments in what the regulator described as an ‘inherent risk to [the BBC’s] independence … Continue reading

Cometh The Hour Cometh The Woman

  Woman’s Hour had a long love in with the Female leaders of Scotland’s political parties (I think the Tory one, Ruth Davidson, might have been mentioned somewhere in the piece.) Woman’s Hour asked how is it that if there is so much success in Scotland for women why is that not the case in Westminster? You may have thought that that would be the occasion when the BBC might … Continue reading

How Could We Have Got It So Wrong For So Long?

    They’re right, absolutely right.  Owen Jones, Mehdi Hasan, the Cardiff stooges.  They’re all right. The BBC is right wing.  The Guardian is just to the left of the Telegraph. The Pope is Muslim.  It’s all so obvious now. Alex, when you stated…‘How can anyone possible say that the BBC isn’t massively biased to the left? It’s plain for all to see!’ in the comments, you too are wrong. … Continue reading